Coming back to Class 1 driving after a 15 years

. Keep away from manual entries

So falsify your records? If you’re not making manual entries you’re not keeping an accurate record and are falsifying your records as the time you spend at work from getting to the office to the time you put in the card will be recorded as rest instead of other work as it should be, the same for the time from ejecting the card to when you’ve handed over the keys and have finished work. A particularly vindictive VOSA officer could choose to haul you over the coals especially if you’ve turned a wheel just after putting your card in or just before it showed daily rest. The manual entries are to account for your time from starting work to putting your card in and from taking your card out to finish work. The only time you could legitimately not do a manual entry is if you are say a tramper and eject your card every night when nighting out and even then you’d need to do a manual entry at the start of the working week.