Morrisons Sittingbourne Class 1

I put in for a job at Sittingbourne in 2015. The rate back then for “Colleagues” was something like £9.68ph and you had one of two start times on an any-five-from-seven basis:

02:15 or 14:15.

I didn’t get the job I think, because I’d already put down on the application form that I wouldn’t go below £10ph.

I did some agency shifts in there after via Mainstream and Firmins, which meant i got to drive the decent Firmins tractors rather than the day cabs.
I’d passed the assessment, after all.

Runs I got at Morrisons were night deliveries to places like Crowborough, Hastings, and of course North London.

If Parity Pay is now north of £13, I might have to re-consider putting in for a job there. It is a fair enough rate for day work, I guess.

Hopefully, the firm might one day consider taking on some 4-on-4-off 12 hour shift workers, in which case I’ll be biting proverbial hands off… :neutral_face:

Why oh Why do firms insist on subcontracting the work out to outfits like DHL and Wincanton though??

Any yard that has no resident Union there - should surely be able to get rid of Full Timers they want shot of just as easily as telling some partner and agency combo “We want to not ask for this driver by name in the future”… :unamused: