Renault T range. Is it the most ugly truck in a long time

Will it always look UGLY, or will we get used to it.
I think the magnum replacement looks a bit better, stick super singles on and the right paint.
Or is it a case of polishing a turd?

I will need to see one in the flesh before i make my mind up. As has been said the colours used so far have done them no favours.

I like it
(But then again I liked the original Magnum)

The Magnum was a good looking truck, very mean looking in the right paint job.

This should have been killed off long ago though

I like the one in pic.
Unfortunately,we’re not getting it.
It’s like the new merc gigaspace with the table and all that,I really thought I would consider one but, not for you my englisher friend.
For you the war is over.
So I am deeply offended by this, and therefore will not be purchasing one.

I will need to see one in the flesh before i make my mind up. As has been said the colours used so far have done them no favours.

I agree with you. Hopefully they will have some at Truckfest this weekend so I can see one close up. But if it drives half as well and is as comfortable to drive as the Premium is then I reckon they will be crackin trucks. Really want to have a shot in one.

I think there bloody awful looking but painting them in dog ■■■■ brown probably hasn’t helped the advertising compain.

I like it. But then I like my avatar too!

I’m not impressed but when they start to appear in company liveries they’ll look a lot better

the grill and the white/chrome (whatever it is) bit needs to dissapear. just painting it the same colour as the rest would help. Looks like its got the same kind of problem as the grill on the new FH, needs sorting.

Just drive the thing,.You don’t have to like it,as long as the money is right. Its a vehicle to
haul goods with !!

I actually quite like it. Improvement on a premium, maybe not a magnum.
Agree the grill looks odd, but so does Volvo and DAFs new design

I actually quite like it. Improvement on a premium, maybe not a magnum.
Agree the grill looks odd, but so does Volvo and DAFs new design

Apparently the larger grilles are needed to stop the egr systems overheating !

You can’t see them from behind the wheel though :wink: and the colour looks better in real life ( would be hard to look worse though )

it looks angry. has jeremy clarkson been calling them cheese eating surrender monkeys again? :laughing:

Actually, I think it looks a bit like Jeremy Clarkson when he’s pulling his ‘funny’ face.

Come to think of it, Clarkson drove a Magnum in the Top Gear trucking slot a few years back.

In all seriousness, I think two designers each designed a grille, and not wanting to offend either of them, the project manager said: “We’ll use both, but to save weight and money we’ll make them out of that cheap silver plastic they make childrens’ toys from in China.”

Dave the Renegade:
Just drive the thing,.You don’t have to like it,as long as the money is right. Its a vehicle to
haul goods with !!


Who cares?? you aint paid for the truck! just climb in and off you go! :smiley: :smiley: :laughing: :laughing:


No its pretty in a French sort of way something like most of their women.
An aquired taste!!!

Best Renault truck I’ve ever seen. Nicer than axor, premium etc…

Best Renault truck I’ve ever seen. Nicer than axor, premium etc…

And it has proper doors too

“And it has proper doors too”

This for me is a drawback.
Looks are subject to taste and so subjective and as some have said it’ performance is the most important thing.