Self driving trucks,driving me up the wall!

So,Ive had my fill of the new merc “driver assistance”,its slowed down when it shouldnt,sped up when it shouldnt,and if I cross the white line,the steering correction feels like theres someone in the passenger seat trying to yank the steering wheel.After a week,Id had enough,the only thing I wanted to know was how to disable all these aids.But when I mentioned this to the gaffer,he told me some companies are forcing drivers to have all these systems on.Is this true?
Heaven help us if this is where we are heading!

I’ve told my lot I don’t want one of those electronic abortions. especially with those ‘tech for tech’s sake’’ ■■■■ mirror cams.
I told them I want to keep my 66 plate,.said I’d even have a decent second hand non Merc.
Call me old fashioned or whatever tf you like,…but I like to drive the truck not have the truck driving me. :neutral_face:

Just out of interest…can you actually knock all that crap off,.and do you have to everytime you switch the ignition off and back on again ?

Don’t come back with …‘If anything happens and it’s proven to be knocked off’’ etc etc ,.as I don’t ■■■■ care.)
Afaik it’ ain’t compulsory by law to have all that stuff switched on.anyway.