
I have been sent my microlise report for the last 2 weeks and some scores are good and some are dreadfull but i dont understand the headings in some case or in other cases i dont understand what i can do to improve

the 5 areas are accel > 95%, combined coasting, engine idle, harsh braking and overspeed. The areas i need to improve on are acceleration engine idle and harsh braking.

acceleration: what does this heading mean? I tend to use cruise control on the major roads / motorways and if i have to slow down or brake due to down hills etc i always use resume rather than accelerate up to speed then reset the cruise control. I do tend to use the throttle around urban areas. However, i remember reading on here not to use more than 50% of the throttles travel and try not to. I tend to set the cruise control to the maximum amount which in this case is 53 whilst on roads that allow this.

Engine idle: I have no clue how to improve this as i dont do anything different than i do in the other trucks and everyone else says my idle time is good. When picking up or dropping a trailor i always turn the engine off when not needed. the only time the engine is running once im in position is when i am either raising or lowering the unit susspention or moving back to pick up the pin once i have the airlines on / tug test. Only other time is building air pressure.

harsh braking: How is this calculated? Is it a factor of speed reduction over distance/ time. how do they differenciate between avoiding an accident and being careless? Does the abs sensor come into play here? If the abs sensor is a factor then i have an issue as its always causing me issues when i am reversing or spining round in the yard. If not i dont realy understand how i can improve as i try to use the (bloody usless) retarder when comeing up to a rounderbout etc from over 1/2 a mile out by the time im at the 300 yard mark i might of dropped 5-6 mph with the retarder on full and the tachometer well into the yellow ( the truck wont drop any more gears just beeps at me)

sorry for the long winded post but this is begining to get on my nerves as its obviously an issue with the company but cant get a sensible answer out of them.

what the bloody hell is this industry heading to? MICROLISE what a pile of tosh… turn the engine on do your days work at the end of shift turn the engine off that’s how i drive trucks end of story