Where Are The 100,000 Trucks?

As we all know, there is absolutely definitely a shortage of 100,000 truck drivers in the UK, and it is the sole reason for the imminent collapse of civilization.
(Source: The Government, The Media, And everyone who isn’t a truck driver)

So where are all the trucks?
Wait time for a new one is now measured in years, not months. Almost impossible to rent anything. Are they squirreled away being polished ready for the high earning hordes of new drivers?

Just another reason why it doesn’t add up. Any driver who still believes the media or government on anything, from Brexit to vaccines and everything inbetween, needs to seriously rethink.

Theres a driver shortage AND a shortage of new trucks. Whats the serious rethink needed for? Did David icke say its royal family lizards behind it all or something?