Where's me drivers gone?



Youngsters are not interested in working for a living.

Sweeping generalisation.

and become millionaires from buying Dogecoin on Robinhood app.

What is Battlefield, and how do you know so much about this stuff?

Kids and their pals. It might be a sweeping generalisation but it’s mostly true.

Same old nonsense that every generation comes out with.

If youngsters are reluctant to work, it’s probably some combination of pay often being far lower, work being less interesting, not having a car to get to work, and so on.

And anyway, the process of entering the workplace is learning to enjoy work and the fruits it provides.

I honestly think there are some people who would say “the problem with toddlers today is they aren’t interested in going to school without mummy holding their hand and paying for their food” - the whole point of sending them to school is so they become interested in it and so they eventually become productive.

It’s quite absurd to imagine it being the other way around, where they start with the enthusiasm and productivity before entering the school.