Truck cleaning products


Any suggestions for cleaning an 8x4
Tipper what are good product apart from
The obvious bucket of water and washing up liquid any drivers used the chrome northwest or similar products considering breaking the Bank today there are 3 bottle deals can mix and match , what other products are available.

You’re buying your own cleaning stuff? :open_mouth:
I’m assuming you’re an owner driver?
If not they should be supplying stuff not expecting drivers to pay for it.
Still, if they’re daft enough to do so, you can’t blame the firm. :neutral_face:

Calm down robroy. Plenty of places don’t care for this stuff and just leave it up to you to get the tools and products you need and then give them the receipts for your money back. Just because you’ve always worked for big logistics companies where they provide all this stuff for you doesn’t mean everywhere does :bulb: . I actually prefer being given the choice to get stuff as often the ones the company provides (if any) are the cheapest and most useless which is annoying for those of us that like to keep the vehicle clean and in good order.