The Army being called in


If this driver shortage thing HAS finally came true at last, to the point of the Army being called in :open_mouth: …(instead of it being media ■■■■■■■■ as for last few years) ,
Then the boot has suddenlly and finally changed to the other foot.

Call me militant, call me opportunist, call me wtf you like…but what a great time,.a golden opportunity to make a stand together, to get crap hourly rates, bloody ridiculous working hours,.and general terms and conditions in this job sorted at last eh?

#itllneverhappen. :unamused:

I honestly think it’s come to the point where we don’t even need to stand together. Even up here in Scotland the companies have put the money up a significant amount in the last week.

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Yep,.even my lot not famous for love and consideration to their drivers gave us a raise. :open_mouth: ,.I was referring more to general t.s and c.s.:
I just think that if it wasn’t for the assortment of pricks and clowns in the job who would gladly work 24 hour days if they could, we could maybe make a stand whereby some did not HAVE to work a week and a half’s hours in a week to make a living.
But as I say…fantasyland.