Speed limiters in new cars from 2022


quote Franglais - That’s the stick, where is the carrot of clean, affordable, available, public transport?
We don’t need one 50 seat bus every hour, we need 5 x 10 seat buses spread out.

But on a practical level, one 50 seater and one driver is a whole lot cheaper than fifty 10 seaters and fifty drivers, not to mention fuel, VED, spares, garaging, road congestion etc.
A costly carrot. Question answered?

Yes. Agreed.
A distinct lack of investment in providing a solution that people will choose. Of course it is dearer to provide a good service than a rotten one!

Surely we’d expect be seeing the ‘key workers’ and their unions celebrating their new found incentive to cycle and use the bus to commute as opposed to wanting to be at the front of fossil fuel queue.
The truth is no one wants this new control freak utopia of compliant serfs.It’s the UK and free world not Not North Korea.1950’s America was good let’s get back there.