Set out 44 years ago and so far from home




Once this video gets past the 12 minute mark and mentions the Oort Cloud the numbers just go off the scale. The Voyagers will just go on it seems… completely beyond our imagination.

Interstellar really means beyond the Sun’s gravitational influence.That’s a long way to go.But to be fair how would an ant comprehend Land’s End to John O Groats. :bulb: :wink:

Wittgenstein`s talking lion?

We can’t quantify infinity. The limits of our language are the limits of our minds…to paraphrase the great man.
Is religion a way of making sense of something we don’t understand?
The answers are so far beyond our current comprehension.

Ironically Interstellar Local work v Inter Galactic distance work isn’t a bad analogy.We’re gonna need a bigger rocket and we’ll need to be allowed to haul more than 44t gross. :wink: :laughing:

Seriously any true understanding based on logical deduction makes religion the only possible explanation.That’s better than believing that DNA just evolved from some swampy water or that the theory of gravity explains how stuff falls to Earth from opposite directions from every possible direction and dimension.Or that Galaxies are all flying apart at an accelerating rate the further they are apart.
But the relative distances regarding the solar system and all the stars within the Galaxy stay the same.But it all originated from one big bang and it’s all supposedly flying apart but then it supposedly ain’t flying apart when it suits them. :bulb: