French approve ban on domestic flights!


Brussels has just given the green light to France & other EU member states to ban short haul flights where a train journey is under two & a half hours are available on environmental grounds.
What’s the betting that as much road freight as possible will be going onto railways for environmental grounds before 2030.

If road fuel increases in price, it won`t take much of a shove to do that anyway.

Rail makes more sense over longer distances, as the intermodal transfer times decrease as a proportion of the whole journey.
Purely anecdotal, but there are a lot of Italian intermodal trailers on trains going through Le Boulou (into Spain) and German and Nordic ones running through Swiss, Plus unacc trls on coast ferries Spain/Italy.
The UK is smaller so won`t benefit from rail in the same way.

Yes you’re right, I read a while ago that Germany was going to mandate that at least 25% of all road freight was to be put onto the railways before 2030 but that was before the change of government.