Hi everyone nice to be here,as everyone knows DVLA aren’t the most trusted and it all feels like I’m stuck in some kind of limbo with them.
Last bank holiday Monday I had a medical issue resulting in slurred speech and an awkward gate as the medial professionals put it.
I had all initial scans,all were fine,no problems all symptoms had disappeared within 90min.
The consultant reports that it’s impossible to give an absolutely definite diagnosis for me.
He has found no smoking gun that might of caused one.
It was posiable but not definite TIA.
I had to inform DVLA and then the questionnaire arrived,tick TIA box and that’s it license revoked 12 months!
After all my results from the second set of scans and blood tests come back fine,I decide to meet the GP and he passed me fit for driving HGV,so sent them results and doctors note,got reply back from them still revoking my license due to not enough evidence!
I’m thinking there’s no evidence that I’ve had one,so technically I haven’t had one!!!
So I have sent a letter from my consultant saying that all all tests were good and he can’t call anything because he can’t find anything so calling it possible but not definate.
So only god knows!
So what I’m asking is help please just feels like I’m in no mans land!

DVLA are probably concerned as a TIA is a mini stroke and is normally a precursor to a full blown stroke. You will probably end up needing a full medical from the consultant to satisfy DVLA.