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FOR SALE OR SWAP (Members Only) This forum is for items for sale or swap only, between members only. Any TruckNet UK member can post here but it is a read only forum, you will need to reply to the advert by e-mail. [b:1eiy78z6]Any commercial advertising WILL be removed.[/b:1eiy78z6] TruckNet UK or DVV Media International Ltd accept NO responsibility for items sold or swapped on this forum, any problems will need to be rectified between the buyer & seller privately & via e-mail You must be a registered member to view this forum [b:1eiy78z6]Registration is Free[/b:1eiy78z6] [url=][b:1eiy78z6]Click Here to Register[/b:1eiy78z6][/url:1eiy78z6] [b:1eiy78z6]Posts over 14 days old will be deleted at regular intervals[/b:1eiy78z6] DRIVER VACANCIES (Members Only) A Post and Read only forum for forum members to alert other members of any vacancies at their own place of work. Also for drivers to advertise themselves as available for work You must be a registered member to view this forum [b:3pd8b0wq]Registration is Free[/b:3pd8b0wq] [url=][b:3pd8b0wq]Click Here to Register[/b:3pd8b0wq][/url:3pd8b0wq] [b:3pd8b0wq]Posts in here are automaticaly deleted after 14 days[/b:3pd8b0wq] Driving Jobs Welcome to Driving Jobs section on TruckNet UK the site for jobseekers looking to secure their dream driving job.
Topic Replies Views Activity
0 637 17 January 2024
2 63 21 July 2024
0 239 7 June 2024
0 16206 1 September 2021
0 5088 11 June 2021
0 4374 11 June 2021
0 3970 11 June 2021
0 5175 28 May 2021
0 4434 27 May 2021
0 19011 26 January 2015
0 4827 12 September 2013
0 4908 2 November 2003