zb forkies

It’s your own fault mate for allowing blowfart’s to keep sending you to Coca Cola East Kilbride.

Man up & get out of the place :grimacing:


arrive 00.20 for a 00.01 booking and now 1.40 and the forkie who’s meant to tip me is nowhere to be seen :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: that [zb] I bet will be on his way home at 6 am after doing a 8 hr shift :unamused: :smiling_imp: while I’ll be lucky to be starting my journey , just tip the zb thing :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: , and all the office can say for themselves is wait in your cab , kick his zb ■■■ :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: , I might as well of stayed in bed for what good getting here on time is doing me :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

So you were late arriving then ?

Is that why the forkies not tipped you?

no as first post , 00.01 booking , arrived 00.20 ( couldn’t get there 00.01 as not allowed to start till 00.01 and with checks got there for 00.20 which they say +/- 1/2 hr is on time , not sure what he was up to but they banged on load in no time

stain moor cafe , I know I only just stopped at southwaite srvs or coffee , but really struggling today , that tired and coffee is keeping me going , got to get too leeming bar :exclamation:


stain moor cafe , I know I only just stopped at southwaite srvs or coffee , but really struggling today , that tired and coffee is keeping me going , got to get too leeming bar :exclamation:

Best not have any accidents today, after admitting that you are that tired…

Perhaps the mods should protect dozy from himself?


Please correct me if I’m wrong but don’t DVSA make you remove obstacles in the sweep of the wipers?

And how flocking big is that thing, no way would I have that there, rules or no rules!!

Bit worried about you doze, have sent the wife a link to this thread and due to her position (and I don’t mean legs akimbo hanging from a chandelier) she may be able to step in if they try and give you any more work.

[To wife: sorry about the legs akimbo remark, you know you love it sweet lips ■■]

I’m not surprised Stobarts keep hitting bridges. That sat-nav’s set up for cars! Ask me how I know…

I’m not surprised Stobarts keep hitting bridges. That sat-nav’s set up for cars! Ask me how I know…

Speed limit showing 70 ?

pierrot 14:

I’m not surprised Stobarts keep hitting bridges. That sat-nav’s set up for cars! Ask me how I know…

Speed limit showing 70 ?


Nah, just a cheapO Chinese nat sav,or he hasn’t set the max speed correct in settings, but it is dozy,and it steak dinner day,maybe he thinks if it’s in car mode he’ll get home faster :smiley:

If poor old dozy spent less time on here moaning he would be home by now.
Can anyone tell me if the steak dinner is any good

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

If poor old dozy spent les time on here moaning he would be home by now.

He seems to be doing OK atm, as he seems to be able to drive the truck**, take photos of his pratnav, and post on here

Can anyone tell me if the steak dinner is any good

Dunno about the steak, but I wonder what’s for desert

**I can see he’s parked up

friday nights pudding tomorrow if his fantasies follow the usual pattern. :unamused:

Home at 12 , tea was sirloin steak ,onions , mash , cauliflower , cabbage , gravy with pears slices and double cream for afters , washed down with some bottles of cider , Ive doing well still awake 20 hrs after getting up , but about had it
But have to be up early so will be grumpy tomorrow so if this bloke at this speed awareness course starts trying to preach to me he will get told
Have a good weekend I’m off up to bed

If poor old dozy spent less time on here moaning he would be home by now.
Can anyone tell me if the steak dinner is any good

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

Yes very nice , sirloin with onions , I do like my steak but must be very well done

We had an old BRS driver at our work who’s wife was called eggs and bacon, if you did a good job you got…


pierrot 14:

I’m not surprised Stobarts keep hitting bridges. That sat-nav’s set up for cars! Ask me how I know…

Speed limit showing 70 ?


Nah, just a cheapO Chinese nat sav,or he hasn’t set the max speed correct in settings, but it is dozy,and it steak dinner day,maybe he thinks if it’s in car mode he’ll get home faster :smiley:

It’s a £400 snooper I’ll have you know , no idea what 70 is all about , maybe average speed down 74 !!! And yes had the sirloin steak and very nice it was , but the bottles of cider made the meal for me :wink:

If poor old dozy spent less time on here moaning he would be home by now.
Can anyone tell me if the steak dinner is any good

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

Me moan , bloody hell I got back and went home , in the time it took me to book off there was 2 drivers on the phone and they were on the way back , wernt running in , zb the planner :exclamation: :exclamation: , about time the bosses pets got some ■■■■ :exclamation: :exclamation:

Dozy if you was that f…ing tired, PULL OVER and have an extra hour rest. Instead you cry on here. FFS.

If I was you I would’ve pulled over, switch phone on mute (in case the office rings) have a kip and carry on. If your time/shift time is up when you’re back in the yard > not your problem.
If your planner asks why you had an additional break > “Well I needed a break or do you, dear planner, want my truck in a ditch and a picture from it all over the news?”

Bloody Hell take a break if you need one and stop crying here about the poor forkies.

Typos corrected :wink:

pulled in at southwaite , need 30 mins for 6 hr rule , tired , need fresh air & coffee ( tiredness eats away at you but mates done a good job of keeping me talking / awake ) out of here and home
have a good weekend girls :laughing:

For someone with so many phone mates how do you get the time to post and do you go on like a girl with them as well
You come across as one sad git who don’t know his arse from his face either that or your just simple
And you use to be so funny in a queer way