Would a newly qualified driver go out on his own?

What about crashing or some major incident on your fisrt day, it must have happened?

I know of a place that sent a lad out on his own first day and he tipped a fully loaded wagon over on a roundabout and then managed to win an injury claim against said company because they neglected to ensure he was adequately trained in safely driving a hgv with a full load,his solicitors argued the company knew he had passed his test whilst pulling an empty trailer so had a duty of care to ensure he’d been made aware of the difference in pulling a full load.

First off, understand Trucking is a Deep State psychological conditioning PsyOp through the unholy alliance of Homeland security and Wallmart with a dash of MiLAB for character.

The intent is to break you and then mould what’s left, if anything is, of your fractured mind into a Trucker. Think Army Basic Training.

Portable toilet Potty pumping truck. My first trucking job ever, to get road experience. I am a new Class 1 this year, and was a sweet and innocent man…