Workplace drink and drug testing

Keep believing everything the daily mail tells you

No one has condoned driving round off your face

What a load of ■■■■■■■■. Cut out the mock indignation.

Love it! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Last time I was driving for the co-op out of Dalcross I had a delivery to a shop where the manageress was aright ■■■■■ and disliked by many, after I left she phoned the depot and accused me of stinking of vodka (I hate the stuff and never touch it) the depot contacted me and told me to wait for someone to come out and breathalyse me which I did and after testing was found to be zero I asked for a lift back to pick my car up and go home. No its ok I was told you’re in the clear so you can carry on … Bollux to that, lorry stayed where it was and I went home …


yorkshire terrier:
You sure it was crack cocaine then Albion■■?
Those symptoms are very much that of some one who uses “normal cocaine” that you snort…
Thing is from what I’ve seen if your posts if he had come to you and said I have a problem can you help me then you would of done,it’s the fact he tried to continue to use drugs while driving your lorry’s.
Looks like he has lost a good paying job but no doubt the way the industry is he will be working again now and the company won’t have a clue what he has done

He didn’t argue yt with the results.

I’ve no idea what I would have done, but I suspect the outcome would have been different. He took a non-driving job, and no one has asked me for references.

jbaz, we all make mistakes, it’s what we do when we wise up afterwards that counts. Well done, it can’t have been an easy time for you but you sorted yourself out, that counts for a lot in my book.

Thank you Albion

I bet if you done a test on 100 pub toilets you would find drug traces on 90%.
Didn’t one of the papers do tests in loads of buildings and found evidence of drug use in loads of them including government buildings.
Mind you that would explain a few things with the running of this country

I would disagree. If you did an accurate test, I would wholeheartedly expect to see 100% result in this day and age. Ok then, 99.9999% to allow for the one pub that comes up clean, because the only patrons are the cast of last of the summer wine. Scratch that! Even they would be on Valium!

There was a case a few years back of a bus driver who has hauled in for a random test in Bristol.

He tested + for cocaine on the swab test and was sacked on the spot for gross misconduct.

He want to hi GP and arranged for the hair test…which showed no illegal drugs had been taken by him at all.

His employer refused to accept their test was wrong.

Luckily he was a union member…took them to court with the union behind him to pay for expert witnesses etc and got a payout.

But, the worrying thing is, the bus company still refused to accept that their tests were wrong…even though it was explained to them in court by expert witnesses that cash in Bristol is contaminated with coke, that the driver had handled the swab with his bare hands having not been given the opportunity to wash his hands although he’d been handling cash all day, and that the test was sensitive enough to pick up this level of third-party contamination.

Some manager had no doubt spent a lot of company money on the tests, and couldn’t accept it was a waste of money.

On the other hand though…there are some over-the-counter medications that will put you over the drug-driving limit…night-time cold cures being one example. So don’t just read the box before taking, read the paper booklet inside as well.

What a load of ■■■■■■■■. Cut out the mock indignation. Alcohol consumption is legal and if you drive under the legal limit you have done no wrong. Drug taking is illegal and as noted can be picked up some time after the event.
I am all for personal freedoms, but it only takes one bad apple to turn the whole barrel. An outsider reading your responses would think WTF It is no wonder that most drivers are seen as no good illiterate knuckle draggers. Relax, do you heart a favour

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Nothing mock about it bud, I’m totally indignant about what I perceive to be the exceeding of authority.
An outsider reading your response will think ‘‘wtf, It’s actually true, drivers have such a low opinion of themselves that they actually do accept anything that’s dished out to them without any resistance to it’’ :bulb:

I’m well relaxed btw thanks,.and my heart is fine. :sunglasses:


What a load of ■■■■■■■■. Cut out the mock indignation. Alcohol consumption is legal and if you drive under the legal limit you have done no wrong. Drug taking is illegal and as noted can be picked up some time after the event.
I am all for personal freedoms, but it only takes one bad apple to turn the whole barrel. An outsider reading your responses would think WTF It is no wonder that most drivers are seen as no good illiterate knuckle draggers. Relax, do you heart a favour

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Nothing mock about it bud, I’m totally indignant about what I perceive to be the exceeding of authority.
An outsider reading your response will think ‘‘wtf, It’s actually true, drivers have such a low opinion of themselves that they actually do accept anything that’s dished out to them without any resistance to it’’ :bulb:

I’m well relaxed btw thanks,.and my heart is fine. :sunglasses:

I think an outsider is more likely to say 'how is it that truck drivers aren’t tested at the start of every shift, when many factory workers are?"

I have been on the other side of this, working on a customer’s premises where random drink and drug testing were carried out. They were amazed that the company I was with at the time didn’t have tests in place, and we were asked to start doing them.

I fully understand Rob’s indignation at this, (I was indignant at having to carry them out), but make no mistake this is coming soon.

Every incident involving drunk/drugged drivers brings it one step nearer.

I remember seeing a think where Volvo had devolved a breathalyser that was connected to the ignition.
As I said before it’s not the testing I thinks wrong it’s how it’s not to test imparement like alcohol is

Harry Monk:


Conducted a drugs test on one of ours not long ago after a tip off from a customer. The one and only time I’ve done a drug test, hair sample. Habitual user of crack cocaine. And I have no doubt about the veracity of the results.

Jesus Christ!! There’s something very wrong with your company if someone who use that regularly can escape anyone’s attention. That isn’t the type of thing you can hide, even to someone who isn’t wise on these things.

Actually, that isn’t quite accurate. I knew a bloke once who was a heroin addict. He held down a very responsible job, dressed immaculately, owned a six bedroomed house, a fairly high-end car, and nobody outside his immediate circle of friends had a clue. It would be wrong to assume that all drug addicts sit in shop doorways with a mongrel dog on a string begging for spare change.

This, high functioning addicts become experts at covering their tracks and decieving people

People get…

Confused and assume that because someone takes a particular drug that they are addicted to it, that’s not necessarily the case.

There is a distinction between an addict and a user.

Someone who likes a glass of wine with their sunday lunch isn’t addicted to alcohol any more than someone who snorts a few lines of charlie at a party every now and then isn’t an addict.

Who would of thought so many Daily Mail reading Tories drive wagons.Shame really because the majority could do with a decent habit, it might help shed the pounds. :slight_smile:

I haven’t done anything wrong so don’t have anything to hide but i take it personally when picked for a random drug test. They pick my name out of a hat so now i have to go through this crap to prove i’m innocent ? Yes it was futile to argue with the managers but i did anyway but they’d say it was policy so if it’s policy no use arguing driver :wink:

I bet Paul dacre loves a cheeky line while telling his readers one sniff will turn then in to Pete Doherty

Who would of thought so many Daily Mail reading Tories drive wagons.Shame really because the majority could do with a decent habit, it might help shed the pounds. :slight_smile:

Many talk enough ■■■■■ to be bang on it

Who would of thought so many Daily Mail reading Tories drive wagons.Shame really because the majority could do with a decent habit, it might help shed the pounds. :slight_smile:

We don’t read the mail anymore, it is the Daily Express for us.


Who would of thought so many Daily Mail reading Tories drive wagons.Shame really because the majority could do with a decent habit, it might help shed the pounds. :slight_smile:

We don’t read the mail anymore, it is the Daily Express for us.

Diana’s dead lad and if you want to know the weather look out the window.


No idea if they do tests when you go on site it’s highly unlikely il go on the job as I’m rarely out on site nowdays

I’m just amazed at the liberties these type of effers take mate, and how they just take for granted that it’s both acceptable and that people will just comply without question.

NOT having a go at you personally here btw as I don’t know how you stand with your job, but I seriously think I would tell him to shove his cup up his arse, as it would be a humiliation and an affront to my professionalism and integrity imo…it’s one step away from the rubber gloved finger up the Gary. :neutral_face:
However it looks as if I’m in a minority here. :neutral_face:

when i demeened myself to try working for tesco,then when you left the yard you hit a button to exit the turnstile and at random it flagged red where the security kebab gave you the most basic frisk down which i thought was fair enough,likewise when delivering non tesco trucks,the other cabbage in a hiviz climbed up the passenger side for a peek in the bunk.
i clouted a bumper off a micra parked on a corner with the tailswing of the lift once and they asked me for a breath and ■■■■ test once back to the yard which i thought was a reasonable request after having clouted the micra with no plod involvement.
if some beancounter asked me from a company i wasnt working for then the answer would be to ■■■■ off. simple as that.

Cannot see the problem with drink/drug testing.