Why the need for a 4x4?


Cheers Arborist, me and the copper did google it but we weren’t keen on starting to take trim apart. The owner wasn’t keen either. But handy to move a wrecked one. :smiley:

If its already wrecked, I’ll just drag it straight to the hard shoulder providing its not leaking fuel and oil everywhere. :wink:

No you won’t. You stand there, with your hands tucked into your hiviz, pretending to be a policeman.

You don’t know me then, I’m a firm believer in clearing lanes as fast as possible, and I dont tuck my hands in my hi-vis, that’s why I have gloves (plus you can’t when you wear a jacket like ours), I don’t pretend to be anything, I’m a Highways England employee, do you pretend to be professional? :stuck_out_tongue: