Wages go up.Please apply ASAP

Yeah I used to live up north, moved back down south when this job came up, I’ve been on the other side of the fence on not very good pay so I appreciate what I earn now, it could be higher but it does me & pays the bills & it certainly ain’t hard work.

They won’t pull your hours back if your doin too much overtime, a few here max out a lot of weeks, I generally do 50-55 hours a week with a rest day worked here & there.

Yeah I used to live up north, moved back down south when this job came up, I’ve been on the other side of the fence on not very good pay so I appreciate what I earn now, it could be higher but it does me & pays the bills & it certainly ain’t hard work.

They won’t pull your hours back if your doin too much overtime, a few here max out a lot of weeks, I generally do 50-55 hours a week with a rest day worked here & there.

selby newcomer:

Rough take home pay. Rough (actual) working hours. Overtime available. Is it banked overtime (I’ve heard overtime is paid quarterly). Weekly pay? Stuff like that

Pay is every 4 weeks, so 13 payments a year, overtime is time & a half after 42.5 hours, shift length is 9.25 hrs, less 45 mins break, so 8.5 paid. Saturday & Sunday is time and a quarter, not great I know, bank holidays are time & a half plus a lieu day, work between 10pm & 6am pays a 25% of hourly rate allowance, so £15 an hour for Hinckley.

Anything over 42.5 hrs is banked hours & is paid every 4 weeks, not quarterly. DC where I’m at there’s plenty of overtime, basically do as many hours as you want, some go home after 9.25 hours, some do much more. Can work rest days which is paid at time and a half.

The rota i work is a mixture of weekends on & weekends off, it’s alright on end you get used to it, some drivers switched to permanent tues - sat rota but I like the variety so I stayed as I was.

Pay rate at DC I’m at is higher so I’m not gonna say my take home pay but it’s easy enough to work out from the info I’ve given & the hourly rate advertised for Hinckley.

It’s one of them jobs where you keep your head down if you wanna get left alone, no hassle from office, left alone to get job done but it has its usual big company rubbish that some people can’t get used to.

Let me know if you wanna know anymore

Who is now main agency at Teso.before was Adr Network.But now can see any oportunity for Tesco it Adr network web site.