Visual Migraine. Any drivers affected by this?

I’ll re-post this here on this thread, as it would be frightful to think that there might be a move to get rid of Home-grown British drivers off the road, and return to a world of the Uber-style underpaid and unprofessional kind of driver instead - just as wages are finally beginning to rise as a result of the Referendum result…

I would not put it past the EU, the Globalists, and all those who stand to lose from Brexit - attempting to bugger-up different sectors of the home-grown British workforce - wherever they can and however they can. :imp:

The downside of supplying personal medical data to the medical profession, or even medical “researchers” - is that it can eventually come back and bite you. … ms-193776/

I believe that GPs are obliged to inform DVLA if one of their patients clocks in with one of the known “sleep disorders” as mentioned in the article linked above.

This means losing one’s licence, and livlihood, if one doesn’t have an alternative career to fall back upon.

I remember a few years ago, all night workers at our office were offered a so-called “Free Health Check”… Data can and is used against the person these days, now more than ever.

I find it hard to see the upside to over-supplying the NHS with information, especially now that it is riddled with lower quality staff with far-left leanings than of old.

I predict that it won’t be much longer - before we start hearing tales of “Medical Records Blackmail” in the media.

I started with these when I was 12 yrs old. Lasted into my early 20s. It starts as a fuzzing in one side of my sight. Bit like a tv screen not tuned in. Then I’d get a headache after. I just learnt to live with them. They stopped for about 10 yrs then in early 30s they suddenly started again. I put it down to stress at work. At one point I was getting them nearly everyday. Bloody nuisance they are. Especially when you’re driving. Haven’t had one now for approx 2 years or so. hoping they dont come back anytime soon. I tried to not get so stressed at work…changing job if I have to. I sympathise with anyone who gets them. I would just take a couple of ibuprofen as soon as the symptoms started, hoping it would counteract the headaches after, and closing eyes for a bit.

stress can have odd side effects.but with a little thought you can engineer out a lot of stress . i like to stop and have a coffee and read the paper and relax in my local Costas , but one of the servers really got my stress levels up. hes a loudmouth who likes to clean his specs under the steam while making my coffee. that furker raised my blood pressure .
anyhow i filled in an online costa survey and mentioned his highness . could be co-incidence but about a week later he had gone

I’ve had 2 occasions over the last 30 years (driving career) of what I call 'Word blindness '.
I’m able to function normally without headache, but I’m unable to read any words fully. I see the beginning of the word & also the end of the word ,but It’s impossible to read the word in its entirety.
Lasted about an hour.

Makes you feel very tired afterwards.

Had something similar with what i thought was a vertigo episode!ok one minute just chatting then turned to walk away and got a strange dizzy/balance type thing come over me,half an hour later throwing up feeling all round like [zb] and all felt abit blurred.As the op said the next day was totally drained and just wanted to sleep.Went to hossie got checked out they did all the tests and couldnt really put there finger on it!? :cry:

Sounds a bit like Ménière’s disease.