Traffic cops - trucker on wacky backy

Haha, no just a realist. Don’t hear tommy speaking of the large Christian peadophile gang that was broken up in Suffolk last year do you?.. despite it including 3 local councillors, numerous police officers. Don’t hear him mention the 87serving convicted political ■■■ offenders, nor did I hear him mention peter righton several years ago when this man was shipping kids out of his cate homes to be nonced by political figures,no good ol tommy only mentions those with a different colour skin, there are sick [zb] in every walk of life & every belief, if some of you can’t see the pen he’s leading you into maybe you should go back to playing with crayons. He’s serving Israel’s agenda not ours.

You are a blind liberal idiot

As Col said, there’s a Tommy thread in Bully’s.

This topic has clearly served its purpose cos it’s been dragged off to serve other non-driving agendas, so it’s locked.