Top 3 of bad truck drivers by company?

‘‘proper drivers’’.

Not being funny but what’s your definition of a “proper driver” ?

‘‘proper drivers’’.

Not being funny but what’s your definition of a “proper driver” ?

No, that’s right ‘‘not being funny’’ …just being antagonistic and predictably jumping on your usual tedious bandwagon. :unamused: …yawwwwn.

Not even gonna bother explaining mate, I would have thought to most it would be self explanatory,.and I could not be arsed to get into yet another exchange with you about inept truck drivers.
…Take a guess. :neutral_face:

bald bloke:
Why is a supermarket driver bad if his/her truck is limited to 48 ?

Good point. I wasn’t sure if they’re limited or just driving slowly on purpose to prolong their shift for more $$$. Mostly Morrisons and Sainsburys. If they’re actually limited (and not seemingly) then I;d change 3 to small local delivery trucks of said supermarkets who are the complete opposite of the artics. They’ll even overtake / cut me off when I’m in my car :unamused:


Grumpy Dad:

  1. ADR driver but especially fuel tanker drivers top the list, doesn’t matter what company they drive like prats, always in a hurry and always tailgating their buddies. Maybe a leaf should be taken out of the French and German regulations and reduced their speed.
  2. XPO
  3. Stobart F1 team, some may say the whole Stobart fleet, but they shouldn’t all be tarred with the same brush, the F1 team must think Matt black wrapped trucks give them a superior quality, additional driving skills and standards.


  1. Warberers
  2. Kriess
  3. Sitra

Disagree with a lot of that.
I know a lad off XPO and another lad who has just quit Stobbie’s F1 team,… both ‘‘proper drivers’’.

As for Sitra Ypres, a few of those lads are ex Brit European, my old firm, …again decent drivers.

O/p…Tbf I think it’s a bit ridiculous to generalise, and tar all same-firm drivers with the same brush, there are both experts and absolute rivets on every firm.

That’s your prerogative to disagree and if we all had the same opinion, hey what a ■■■■■■ boring place we’d live.
As for my choices I stand by them, Sitra albeit a Belgian company and owned by the Saleans family ( I know Nicholas Saleans ) have a majority of the drivers who are EE, and Sitra have EE plated units as well as depots in several EE countries, there were rumours of a depot opening up in Russia. The British drivers that work for Sitra a very few and mainly do the fridge work.

Is it unfair to tar all drivers with the same brush ? Probably is, but it’s rarely there’s a comment about what great deeds, driving skills and courtesy to other road users and the general public we see, people don’t see those, they only see the arrogance and unprofessionalism a driver has, and it’s the company logo they see down the side of the truck not the drivers name.
Want to stop getting tarred with the same brush as the other drivers ? Answer is simple work for a company where the drivers are up to your Proper Driver standards.

Grumpy Dad:
Is it unfair to tar all drivers with the same brush ?
Probably is, but it’s rarely there’s a comment about what great deeds, driving skills and courtesy to other road users and the general public we see, people don’t see those, they only see the arrogance and unprofessionalism a driver has, and it’s the company logo they see down the side of the truck not the drivers name.
Want to stop getting tarred with the same brush as the other drivers ? Answer is simple work for a company where the drivers are up to your Proper Driver standards.

Ok, but is there such a firm, a one of the size of your examples where every driver is totally professional?
Like I said every firm in every country have good and bad drivers, and I still think it’s ridiculous to generalise every individual as a group, in a case like this to make a point.
It’s like saying everyone who has dark hair is a _ _ _ _ _ _ …fill in the blank. :bulb:

I agree you only ever hear of negative situations, and not so much about the type of driver who is naturally and habitually professional and courteous, but that’s how it goes, bad news makes news.
If we listened to the likes of our resident ''prophet of doom" Jake he/they would say that those guys no longer exist, but the fact is …of course they do.
Things are pretty bad in terms of standards but not to the extent that Jakey keeps banging on about again and again…and again. :unamused:


‘‘proper drivers’’.

Not being funny but what’s your definition of a “proper driver” ?

No, that’s right ‘‘not being funny’’ …just being antagonistic and predictably jumping on your usual tedious bandwagon. :unamused: …yawwwwn.

Not even gonna bother explaining mate, I would have thought to most it would be self explanatory,.and I could not be arsed to get into yet another exchange with you about inept truck drivers.
…Take a guess. :neutral_face:

Fair enough but in reality most drivers think they are “proper drivers” (when they are not ) Maybe they are the ones that drive professionally, stick to all the rules and regs or maybe they are the ones that perceive driving …
“their” way is better. Who knows :confused:



‘‘proper drivers’’.

Not being funny but what’s your definition of a “proper driver” ?

No, that’s right ‘‘not being funny’’ …just being antagonistic and predictably jumping on your usual tedious bandwagon. :unamused: …yawwwwn.

Not even gonna bother explaining mate, I would have thought to most it would be self explanatory,.and I could not be arsed to get into yet another exchange with you about inept truck drivers.
…Take a guess. :neutral_face:

Fair enough but in reality most drivers think they are “proper drivers” (when they are not ) Maybe they are the ones that drive professionally, stick to all the rules and regs or maybe they are the ones that perceive driving …
“their” way is better. Who knows :confused:

Oh I was right then, you knew exactly what I meant., but you were just trying to spark off another of your infamous Trucknet bad driving soliloquies :unamused:
Go on then I’ll indulge you for 5 minutes.

Everybody thinks they are good at this that or the other.
I reckon I could cop off with Holly Willoughby no bother, but she would maybe not see it that way (although I can’t think why :sunglasses: :smiley: )
It’s the perception of others that count, we all know and recognise an efficient, professional truck driver, there are still a vast number around, there is also a vast amount of rivets in the job, but you would rather concentrate on the latter giving the impression we are all the same.


Engineers are the worst drivers.

I see the usual crowed have started already.
Ladies read the title please

I see the usual crowed have started already.
Ladies read the title please

Read the title please…Truckers forum. :bulb:

But sorry, I’ll make sure to ask you personally for your permission next time, but if I happen to forget…JUST IGNORE IT/DON’T READ IT…FFS. :neutral_face:

Thanks, a far more civil answer second time round. Unfortunately it’s the latter I seem to see more of these days.
That’s not strictly true though as I have not been near a British road for over a month now. :smiley:

Thanks, a far more civil answer second time round. Unfortunately it’s the latter I seem to see more of these days.
That’s not strictly true though as I have not been near a British road for over a month now. :smiley:

Ah yes living in the land of world champion tailgaters, must do wonders for your blood pressure every time you enter the Dutch road network.


Thanks, a far more civil answer second time round. Unfortunately it’s the latter I seem to see more of these days.
That’s not strictly true though as I have not been near a British road for over a month now. :smiley:

Ah yes living in the land of world champion tailgaters, must do wonders for your blood pressure every time you enter the Dutch road network.

Nope, don’t go near the motorways very often, stick to local area mostly on my bike or walking. Absolute bliss. :smiley:

I’m not a supermarket driver ETS but you post Top 3 of bad truck drivers,if the trucks are limited how is that their fault,it’s not as if they can go to the workshop and demand the limiter be made faster [if possible]

impatient drivers wouldnt be impatient if it wasnt for the wazzocks driving too slowly in front of them and holding them back.

Who’s holding anyone back?

UPS are up there. And Royal Mail too recently. As for the third one… I’d agree with pallet network double deck type vehicles.

UPS are up there. And Royal Mail too recently. As for the third one… I’d agree with pallet network double deck type vehicles.

Which part of UPS? Small pack, feeder, freight or L & D?


Pond life the lot of them.

NFT and DHL runners up.


UPS are up there. And Royal Mail too recently. As for the third one… I’d agree with pallet network double deck type vehicles.

Which part of UPS? Small pack, feeder, freight or L & D?

I don’t know. They’re all the same banner for me as an outsider. I tend to find its the artics screaming about near Tamworth thst are the worst so it’s whatever department they do lol



UPS are up there. And Royal Mail too recently. As for the third one… I’d agree with pallet network double deck type vehicles.

Which part of UPS? Small pack, feeder, freight or L & D?

I don’t know. They’re all the same banner for me as an outsider. I tend to find its the artics screaming about near Tamworth thst are the worst so it’s whatever department they do lol

That will be the feeder guys for the small pack centres.
Us freight drivers have unbranded vehicles. That way our poor driving can’t be attributed to our company :wink: