This is making me reconsider my future

Happens to the best of us! And pretty much every road in London is restricted in one way or another. Congestion zones, weak bridges, the lot

If you read my previous post you will see I have done similar I dislike London but still go there have taken wrong turns ( did not long ago in London ) yep driven it at rush hour both morning & night directed an artic round London as well so know what it is like

You live & learn move on

Most of the weight limits are also " for access only " so you could be a little "economical " :wink:

thanks to all,even the not so nice answers.good to chat through this cheered up back on in morning,cheers again :smiley: :smiley:
p.s will update if i get into trouble.
just realised i passed my test with Peter Smythe 2 yrs ago,thanks for your help Peter

ah the joys of being a trucker, dont worry about it buddy we,ve all done it and i promise you you will have days like that every now and again, i had to sit in a shopping centre in hatfield for hours untill the car park emptied after taking the wrong exit on a roundabout and could,nt get back out, so ho hum thats the way it goes, if your unfortunate enough to get fined you will just have to pay it and carry on it goes with the job.just wait untill your first roadside/vosa check, that will give you the fright of your life :laughing: :laughing: so dont worry just keep on trucking buddy.

cheers weewulliewinkie :smiley:

We’ve all cocked up from time to time. What you did was neither here nor there. Learn from it and try avoid in future…

No one died, no one injured and no damage is always a result mate.

London is ■■■■■ but you get used to it. Most cities are ■■■■ poor but again, you adapt.

Haha a very long time ago as a new ish driver I somehow fetched up in a London street with a 7" width limit at BOTH ends, now that was fun to get out of!

I’d entered from a side street somehow, can’t remember all the details now.

I took a wrong turning yesterday ( LBTS rules ) turned left on the A215 instead of turning right as I needed to get back to the one way system at Tulse Hill,realised after about a mile or so I’d c0cked up,so did a shufty ( and thanks to the few who gave me some of the usual hand signals ) :laughing: and eventually got back on track.
Anybody know if I’ll get " done " for this heinous crime ?

Went to southall today not as bad as bettersea,but for the 3 hours drive down there my stomach was cherning like mad but once i was there it was a straight forward drop, but onthe way out i was pleasantly suprised at traffic lights there was a curry stall and they offered me a curry and a tea and i said didnt have any cash but he no mate its free so dabbed in thanks to that person certainly made my day.put this on here to show people arent always idiots :astonished: :smiley:

id better add my experience of london , bearing in mind i usually drive a tipper on local work in shropshire .
I said i would take down a 20’ container down to somewhere in east london ( i forget where exactly :unamused: ) Anyway the truck was loaded and ready to go .so 4 or so hours later i get to site and get it craned off and an empty container loaded on .
There were a few of our other drivers there all been driving for years ,(me about a year :blush: ) we were discussing our route home and suggested i go the same way as them back thru the blackwall tunnel . Anyway its a 13’ height limit so i check the height of the container on the truck and its a couple of inches under that :wink: .
Note that i check the height at the front of the load !

so off i trundle to the tunnel ,see some illuminated sign saying" overheight vehicle turn left " or words to that effect .
Having measured the load im sure it doesnt apply to me :unamused: :laughing: , so carry on oblivious .

get near the tunnel entrance and a barrier comes down , traffic stops , cue annoyed commuters and personalised tannoy message :grimacing: :confused:

Anyway dont get to go thru the tunnel afterall :cry: , just up the overheight vehicle exit sliproad .

Couple of minuites later the police turn up and give me 3 points /£60 fine .

youve guessed it ,id not reset the air suspension so the back of the load was about 4" too high !!

oh well you live and learn(mostly from your mistakes) :unamused: ,doesnt really help that our boss doesnt believe in training either :angry:

Have been to london a couple of times since and survived !

cheers Mike

Not London, but Mansfield. Today, 2 new weight limits have been introduced with the signs on the roads to which the limit applies and no advance warning. Caught out a very experienced instructor this morning! But we really cant guess what’s around every corner. The authorities really need to spend on advance warnings with the signs on the actual roads just being reminders.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

And its like they dont make mistakes that`s what annoys me,why not just advise you rather than fine.■■■■■■■■■ :imp:

yes theres an over hanging tree in nottingham the sign for it is on the bloody tree stupid

why not just advise you rather than fine

If I turned into a 7.5 tonne limit with a 44 tonner and it had no advance warning, I would go to court and defend my actions if prosecuted. On one occasion this happened in Kirkby in Ashfield - a road (Kingsway, turning left off Diamond Avenue) suddenly became 7.5 tonnes with no advance warning = and a police car followed me. He did stop me and sarcastically asked the weight of my vehicle. I asked him what I should have done - reverse into the junction having seen the sign or just carry on. He came round to my way of thinking and an advance sign appeared soon afterwards.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Back in the nineties, bit new to the job, managed to take a wrong turn - took a full size fridge through Eaton Place and then round Sloane Sq. It was quite late a night and van full of cops passed me the other way, didn’t take any notice. Never forget that night but didn’t come to grief not even a scratch and it was abit tight and at that time a 12t limit. :blush:

But now I do like a challenge, so no it was just a lesson.

Look fella, nobody died, you didn’t have to have a crane - although you can be sure you’ll be on bloody utube!

I really wouldn’t get to worried about it. London can be a nightmare true, but in my experience it always worse thinking about than actually being there. I could fill pages about times when I’ve been lost, taken a wrong turning or generally caused chaos.
Got a police ■■■■■■ out of a cul de sac in Accrington, missed a turning coming out of the mount pleasant sorting office in the centre of London ended up going trough all sort of limits, saw interesting places you only see on telly. Had to go to Lloyds last year ended up going through a weight limit despite trying to plan a route round it. And got fined for unloading in a no unloading area, boss paid that. Got lost in Milan, missed the slip road, ended up in a residential area and the police had closed the road. They opened it so we could swing round and get out.
They’re just the one I can think of from the top of my head, it’s all part of the job, unless you want to trunk from a to b. the secret is not to get flustered, that’s when the damage gets done. It’s easier when you’ve got a few years under your belt, but being there is the only way to get the experience.