The tax man

A lot of government departments now use private companies for some of their work, they usually make a lot of ■■■■ ups because at the end of the day…they dont really know what theyre doing. :unamused: :unamused:

if they are that bad and writing letters to dozy then thatl be the blind leading the blind again :slight_smile:

Dozy is either…
The most persistent troll on the internet,
Or the biggest kebab that has ever occupied a truck seat and deserves everything he gets.

Trucking sideways:
You’re nearly 60 dozy, how can you not be aware of this stuff?!

Because it’s not true and he is a troll. He has been caught out several times on here in the past.


Trucking sideways:
You’re nearly 60 dozy, how can you not be aware of this stuff?!

Because it’s not true and he is a troll. He has been caught out several times on here in the past.

that sums it up nicely.

will it make any difference whatsoever??
not a chance…ignore , deflect ,or defend by attacking is the normal way to go. :cry: