The Big One Is Here

Well Done Mate

oh yes it feels good but you can guarantee the first reverse i get will be a blind side, just about my luck that would be.

By the way how were the nerves mine went to pieces after nearly making a complete hash of the reverse.

like i said well done.


Like everyone else mate… Well Done to ya buddy!!!
Way to go dood…

I wish you all the very best of luck in your new career!!!

O.K guys,now I’ve had a chance to calm down and take in the result,I can see some of you are asking questions about the test.

Nerves. You will be nervous,no matter how much of a big hard bloke you are,a driving test of any type is a test of nerve and skill,as you have an examiner watching your every move.You just have to control it the best way you can. I found plenty of coffee and tobacco very helpful!!
Talking with your instructor can help too,whether it be about the test,your training or even how United played the night before,it all helps!

The only advice I can give,which was given to me on this very site,is to relax and enjoy the experience,and not to worry if things do go wrong.Most of all,TAKE YOUR TIME!! It is not a race,and rushing will only encourage mistakes.

So be calm,patient,take your time and it will come to you,I promise.

And most of all,BEST OF LUCK TO YOU ALL!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Congrats mate, and you are right i presume the training is just beginning, i soo soo envy you right now, keep us posted on how everything goes!!
well done



Well done :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

Well done mate :smiley: Isn’t it just an amazing feeling !!

Well done mate, i had my test at botley a couple of months ago, you can fluff the test just pulling out onto the road where the cars come whizzing down, and then there is wing mirror alley :open_mouth:
Its such a good feeling tho when your told youve passed :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Well done Dan :smiley:

Well done Dan. Now the learning really begins. :smiley:

I hope you know that we will give you all the support we can on here. Any questions, just ask! :sunglasses:

Hope to see you out n about. :laughing: