The Bah Humbug Club!

Can a Scotsman apply for membership we do BAH HUMBUG up here too. Eddie.

more than welcome eddie , scots are mostly bah humbug at xmas , but you certainly know how to do justice to hogmanay . cheers , dave

more than welcome eddie , scots are mostly bah humbug at xmas , but you certainly know how to do justice to hogmanay . cheers , dave

I will second that. Welcome aboard Eddie.
Cheers Dave.

I]think he’s forgot this year

Dear Oh Deer Rudolf, with the drop in fuel prices at the moment it seems that you have been undercut by The Lions.
Ah well that’s the haulage business, there is always some ■■■■■■■ trying to under cut you. :frowning:
Not to worry though, there will always be a demand for Venison Pie. :laughing:

at least you get proper xmas weather out there mushrooman , sod all the snow and frost . i’ll bet the lions santa is sweating his bollox off in that getup .

Phoebe is on its way back after tomorrow. :sunglasses: :laughing:

I came across this and it would seem to be appropriate on here :smiley:


cheers Johnnie :wink:

Has it finished yet?

no , keep your head down until saturday , or alternatively descend into a drunken haze tonight and maintain said state until saturday . scrooge rules ok .

and now the’re on about bloody sales on the radio! Bah humbug

We were in Morrisons store at Leominster yesterday morning. The place was heaving with people. Some of the women would kill you for a carrot.

Felt like that when I went out to tesco this morning to buy some booze

I hope they get that Mossie, they can be really annoying little (z.b.) at times.

Radio is off, and we’re watching any dvd that does not have anything Chritmassy in it

John West:

You lot are a total bunch of miserable [zb],put your own letters into the brackets and you won’t have to think very hard as my vocabulary is “basic driver” so get a life you miserable [zb] and yes this last description has three more letters in it (I Think).So can I wish all miserable bastartd’s on the site a Very Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.Bewick.

Got to admit I’m with you Dennis! Here’s our Christmas tree, with the glass of the favourite white next to it - what’s not to like?

I did like this though!


We aint even got a Tree, or Owt else, Does that Qualify? Cheers All.


John West:

You lot are a total bunch of miserable [zb],put your own letters into the brackets and you won’t have to think very hard as my vocabulary is “basic driver” so get a life you miserable [zb] and yes this last description has three more letters in it (I Think).So can I wish all miserable bastartd’s on the site a Very Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.Bewick.

Got to admit I’m with you Dennis! Here’s our Christmas tree, with the glass of the favourite white next to it - what’s not to like?

I did like this though!


We aint even got a Tree, or Owt else, Does that Qualify? Cheers All.

Welcome aboard CJA1, Your place in the Bah Humbug Club is secured. Thanks for the money. :laughing:
Cheers Dave.

Well the presents are under the tree, and they were not put there by some jolly rotund fellow, but by some miserable thirty-something tipper driver and his thouroughly fed up with being pregnant wife. I even partially unblocked our fireplace and left dirty footprints from my workboots on the hearth for the sake of our 3 year old, after eating the mince pie, gingerbread and a glass of squash (can’t drink incase Mini Muckaway mk2 decides on turning up.Anyhow, as I’ve done my Santa bit, I shall disappear from sight, saying Bah Humbug to you all and to all a good night!*
*Miserable wonkas :laughing:

I’m a bit behind you lot (6hrs) the Mrs is wrapping presents, I’m a bit pickled after an afternoon on the ■■■■ with the lads and am having nothing to do with any of it.
I was reminded that we have a big box of lights to go up on the outside of the house that is currently sat on top of the washing machine, the phrase ‘well that was a waste of money’ was uttered, my response was of course “exactly” although it wasn’t received in the way it was intended.

I’m a bit behind you lot (6hrs) the Mrs is wrapping presents, I’m a bit pickled after an afternoon on the ■■■■ with the lads and am having nothing to do with any of it.
I was reminded that we have a big box of lights to go up on the outside of the house that is currently sat on top of the washing machine, the phrase ‘well that was a waste of money’ was uttered, my response was of course “exactly” although it wasn’t received in the way it was intended.

Ho Ho Ho…Merry Christmas me old trainer. Im heading to me pit soon, just finishing the last beer, Carrots are out for Rudolph and pies and Rum out for St Nicholas.
Best regards.

I’ll have to PM you Gav, this lot will sling me out the gang if I start being all festive :laughing:

Have a good one mate :wink: