TAILGATING.....New campaign

On a Motorway it shouldn’t be much of a problem if lane discipline is used. There is no fast lane we overtake and go back to the left most lane simples. My gripe is with old dodderers who clog up the roads at 35 mph when they could be doing 50.mph safely.

I agree, so any Imperial logistics drivers on here (or gilhuber/ q logistik), this applies to you on the 420 (and any other muppet that slows to 30 on a 50 road past the cameras)

It would be good to see some publicity about tailgating.

We all know it increases danger out there, everyone knows that… most people tailgate through sheer ignorance of the situation. They somehow think it’s faster to sit at 50mph 3m behind the vehicle in front than to sit at 50mph 30m behind.

How often have you heard drivers justify tailgating by saying something like “well if you don’t close right up, people fill the gap and you end up going backwards.” For a racing driver, that’s true - you’re all racing to get to one place. For a lorry driver on the way to an RDC… not so much!

Is it just a race for tippers to get to the quarries then?

Is it just a race for tippers to get to the quarries then?

Of course! Second is merely the first loser. :wink:

revenue raiser and possibly give the wombles something else to do to make them think their job isnt so completely meaningless.
it make as much difference to your average driver as speeding fines,and mobile phone fines…simply another means to raise revenue from the masses.
if they just made it an offence to be less that 100 meters in front of an irish registered truck,then that would certainly make a worthwhile difference. :smiley:


Highways England, whoever they are, are launching a campaign.

Good luck with that then. :laughing:

Good on them I say, who tf appreciates some brainless, [zb] self assesed big balls trucker knobhead driving 44 tonnes an inch from their back bumper when their kids are in the car. :bulb:
They should also launch a Mway lane discipline campaign to stop car middle lane hogging, which 9 times out of 10 kicks off the tailgating with these ‘‘pro drivers’’ :unamused:

isn’t that already law about middle lane hoggers,unfortunately not enforced,but about a year ago one of the car drivers was fined around £900 for sitting in the middle lane,but nothing more since then,seems the police were making a show of it then but nothing since.

When the announce they are going to recruit more Police and patrol the roads as they used to, then it will get my attention, until then, as in middle lane hoggers………The square root of bugger all will be done.

so true

seems the police were making a show of it then but nothing since.

Not true at all,they are constantly pulling vehicles for lane hogging and most get prosecuted for careless driving.The big problem at the moment is there are not enough plod about to catch the plonkers and that is why this new scheme is being initiated next year.
All drivers that lane hog and the ones that do not leave a safe travelling distance will receive a penalty through the post for their misdemeanors.
Yes more revenue that everyone will complain about but drivers do not seem to listen or take advice 99% of the time.

seems the police were making a show of it then but nothing since.

Not true at all,they are constantly pulling vehicles for lane hogging and most get prosecuted for careless driving.The big problem at the moment is there are not enough plod about to catch the plonkers and that is why this new scheme is being initiated next year.
All drivers that lane hog and the ones that do not leave a safe travelling distance will receive a penalty through the post for their misdemeanors.
Yes more revenue that everyone will complain about but drivers do not seem to listen or take advice 99% of the time.

Through the post! How can that be fair, cameras do lie and do not catch the entirety of any given situation…….This country is just so bolloxed, it defies belief. Who would want to use the roads knowing that the State is using you simply as a cash cow when it suits.

When motorists get caught for doing whatever it is, whether be this or speeding. This “oh it’s just a revenue raiser” is the crappest come back. Basically you’ve been caught and you know you have and the best you can think of is oh it’s just to make money? :unamused: how about actually just owning up and being a grown up and admitting your standard of driving was below the standard that is acceptable and safe. No no no it’s someone else’s fault though.

No matter what vehicle your behind the wheel of it’s dangerous to follow too close. We see the results of that every single day. Is it a revenue raiser to fine people for it? No but money is the only thing that might get it into people’s thick skulls that following too close is more likely to end up in a crash than keeping your distance.

When motorists get caught for doing whatever it is, whether be this or speeding. This “oh it’s just a revenue raiser” is the crappest come back. Basically you’ve been caught and you know you have and the best you can think of is oh it’s just to make money? :unamused: how about actually just owning up and being a grown up and admitting your standard of driving was below the standard that is acceptable and safe. No no no it’s someone else’s fault though.

No matter what vehicle your behind the wheel of it’s dangerous to follow too close. We see the results of that every single day. Is it a revenue raiser to fine people for it? No but money is the only thing that might get it into people’s thick skulls that following too close is more likely to end up in a crash than keeping your distance.

Indeed, because speed cameras have worked really so well have they not. :unamused:

It needs policing in the real time, not after the event, this is the problem with all poor driving now, because the Police are simply not there.

Cameras are not the solution, they have not been for the last 30 years, so why would it suddenly change now?

When motorists get caught for doing whatever it is, whether be this or speeding. This “oh it’s just a revenue raiser” is the crappest come back. Basically you’ve been caught and you know you have and the best you can think of is oh it’s just to make money? :unamused: how about actually just owning up and being a grown up and admitting your standard of driving was below the standard that is acceptable and safe. No no no it’s someone else’s fault though.

No matter what vehicle your behind the wheel of it’s dangerous to follow too close. We see the results of that every single day. Is it a revenue raiser to fine people for it? No but money is the only thing that might get it into people’s thick skulls that following too close is more likely to end up in a crash than keeping your distance.

Absolutely spot on DickyNick.

When motorists get caught for doing whatever it is, whether be this or speeding. This “oh it’s just a revenue raiser” is the crappest come back. Basically you’ve been caught and you know you have and the best you can think of is oh it’s just to make money? :unamused: how about actually just owning up and being a grown up and admitting your standard of driving was below the standard that is acceptable and safe. No no no it’s someone else’s fault though.

No matter what vehicle your behind the wheel of it’s dangerous to follow too close. We see the results of that every single day. Is it a revenue raiser to fine people for it? No but money is the only thing that might get it into people’s thick skulls that following too close is more likely to end up in a crash than keeping your distance.

That is why I posted this -

If the authorities really want to stop drivers driving closer than 2 seconds apart then the technology is here to do just that in the form of fixed cameras that can detect vehicle 1 going past it and then save the last five seconds of recording if vehicle 2 passes it within 2 seconds

Reason for saving the 5 seconds prior is so that it can be seen that vehicle 1 did not cut in front of vehicle 2

With a fixed penalty it would pay for itself very quickly

If a car driver sees a lorry or coach closing up behind could he just be a good egg and increase his speed a bit.

If a car driver sees a lorry or coach closing up behind could he just be a good egg and increase his speed a bit.

Really, outside of speed restricted roadworks, any passenger car that’s finding lorries or coaches tailgating them on a motorway shouldn’t really be on the motorway and should be sent on a motorway driving course themselves.

The it’s a limit not a target is ■■■■■■■■ in good dry conditions selfish sub 70mph is doing nothing to improve road safety and actually worsening it.

If a car driver sees a lorry or coach closing up behind could he just be a good egg and increase his speed a bit.

This is the second stupid comment I have seen recently from you.I hope you are not serious and that you are just trying to be funny (but if you are you have a pathetic sense of humour) :unamused:

Every driver has a right to be on the motorway, and they all have the right to choose the speed at which they wish to travel.

If a car driver sees a lorry or coach closing up behind could he just be a good egg and increase his speed a bit.

Obviously wait till the lorry moves into the second lane before speeding up :wink:

Until the average British driver understands the purpose of a motorway then you will continue to get the Driving Miss Daisy’s causing problems, as has already been said if on a clear free running motorway a coach or HGV needs to overtake a car then the car is the problem. An HGV’s top speed is controlled by the limiter, a cars speed is controlled by the NSL or the drivers complete lack of ability to drive at 70mph in a straight line something which seems to be coming more common.

As an example today from on the M56 from Manchester airport to Chester I overtook upwards of 20 cars in perfect driving conditions, drive from Calais to Paris and until you hit Paris the only cars you are likely to overtake are British ones.

Thanks for your nice comment Jake. The Motorways were built at vast expense partly to replace the railway. The Mways are kept clear of tractors, CYCLISTS and horsedrawn vehicles because those things cant attain Mway speeds. The 40 mph brigade may be saving fuel but they endanger and inconvenience other road users.

Every driver has a right to be on the motorway, and they all have the right to choose the speed at which they wish to travel.

Not when they increase speed to stop you overtaking them it doesn’t.