Scania Clutch saver system?

Not me rolling back. :wink:

Just the other drivers complaining about yet another ‘safety device’. :unamused: (i.e. we’re drowning in safety this safety that here :frowning: :unamused: )

On the Scania I use it can be over-ridden by holding the cruise resume button for 10 seconds…

Not me rolling back. :wink:

Just the other drivers complaining about yet another ‘safety device’. :unamused: (i.e. we’re drowning in safety this safety that here :frowning: :unamused: )

Its not a “safety device” , its a stop your driver ripping the arse out of your clutch device, designed to save you money on expensive clutches ,flywheels & downtime.

Or an idiot detector in other words !!!