S. jones of aldridge

where they gone mate :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

the general side went down,and the tankers are now part of the hargreaves group.oopps i know what you mean now !!!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

dont know whats goin on with photobucket,but they are on here now. :confused:

Anyone remember them in the '60s/70s? I moved up that way then and seem to remember they used to run a lot of rigid tippers. Think they ran a lot of coal and scrap.

I remember them around the leicestershire coalfields in the 1960 s I remember them having a lot of six wheeler albion reivers…I think they may have picked up a few loads of quarry products too from leicestershire as well.

Yeah, Thinking about it, I’m sure an old friend once told me he used to drive a Leyland Comet for them. He still lives in the area, so I’ll see what he remembers.



I can only see a square and no picture! Is it me, can anyone else see it? :confused: :frowning:

I cant see it either

the general side went down,and the tankers are now part of the hargreaves group.oopps i know what you mean now !!!

what happened to the original s jones company

curnock :
Ahhh, I can see it now, that’s the ones I remember, they seemed to have hundreds of 'em all over the place. I wonder if that is Brownhills School in the background. Thanks for that mate, wonderfull! :smiley:

big g.ithink its london ,cause look at the bus stop behind it,its a london transport emblem. :slight_smile:

Oh! I wouldn’t have known that! Just thought it might have been coming up towards the clock at Brownhills, where the Bronse Miner is now, before it was a traffic island. Looking again though I think the school was nearer the main road. Great picture all the same. C/W spare wheel, get yer self out of trouble days. :frowning: :wink:

Curnock any chance of gettin any of your earlier pics reposted - all im gettin is blank boxes

give me a couple of days,i dont know why it does this. :angry:

In November issue of HC mag there was an e.mail from Jerry Cooke (Cookie) told of 12 drivers and mechanics from S. Jones going to work in Saudi between '76 and the early '90s. He said this grew to about 50 in the time they were there. anyone know any more on this.

I believe Vince Cooke (i think) and Tommy Whitehouse did an overland trip to TransArabia one year and Tommy broke down on the way back, Cookie had to tow him most of the way back before they got pulled in Northen Italy. As far as i’m aware, Jerry had to fly down and fix Tommy’s motor so he could carry on.

I believe Vince Cooke (i think) and Tommy Whitehouse did an overland trip to TransArabia one year and Tommy broke down on the way back, Cookie had to tow him most of the way back before they got pulled in Northen Italy. As far as i’m aware, Jerry had to fly down and fix Tommy’s motor so he could carry on.

I believe Joe Toole did some work in the desert for Sammy Jones too. I knew hime as J.O.E. Joint Overland Express.

I believe Vince Cooke (i think) and Tommy Whitehouse did an overland trip to TransArabia one year and Tommy broke down on the way back, Cookie had to tow him most of the way back before they got pulled in Northen Italy. As far as i’m aware, Jerry had to fly down and fix Tommy’s motor so he could carry on.

Jerry Cooke and Dad Vince head a convoy of ERF’s heading for the Leyland Commercial Museum ERF and Foden Day 2008 Vince and Jerry likened to a stick of Blackpool but with ERF written all the way through.

regards Big Al