roping and sheeting

That MAN tipper alongside the ERF is well sheeted though, top marks to that chap! :wink:



Punchy Dan:
Rubbish ,I bet you never bothered :smiley:

You’ve cheated Dennis ,that’s not the same trailer ,there is no spare wheel :grimacing:

He’s well-known for his dodgy photos, Dan. Ask him about all those shots of Big Js with two cylinders poking out from the back of the cab! :wink:

Punchy Dan:


Punchy Dan:
Rubbish ,I bet you never bothered :smiley:

You’ve cheated Dennis ,that’s not the same trailer ,there is no spare wheel :grimacing:

Also Dan where’s the white paint on the corner edge of the under run bar? :laughing: :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nice bit of roping here chaps,bit of a challenge ! :smiley: :laughing:

Perhaps not the tidiest, but the loads still on the lorry after crashing into the house

PS not my picture borrowed from Old Hull FB page

I cannot see any sheets or ropes but load seems to stay on.
maybe the passengers are holding the load on.

I cannot see any sheets or ropes but load seems to stay on.
maybe the passengers are holding the load on.


I wonder which Ferry they were aiming to catch ? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


That’s a fair load for an AEC Mercury.

I always thought an Ergo cabbed AEC looked well with a 33ft flat, that is ‘Moonspinner’ (named after the 1964 film of the same name starring a young Hayley Mills) reg no FFS 22D above heading South on the A1 with Cockburnspath in the distance. Although Pollock ran a few AEC’s they didn’t seem to go for the Ergo Mandator. Franky.

Yes Franky, it does look well. Has the driver got his reel skids wedged in the trailer landing leg supports as was commonly done back in the day?

I always thought an Ergo cabbed AEC looked well with a 33ft flat, that is ‘Moonspinner’ (named after the 1964 film of the same name starring a young Hayley Mills) reg no FFS 22D above heading South on the A1 with Cockburnspath in the distance. Although Pollock ran a few AEC’s they didn’t seem to go for the Ergo Mandator. Franky.

Thats amazing detail, Thanks :slight_smile:

Posted on wrong page–my age showing again!


I cannot see any sheets or ropes but load seems to stay on.
maybe the passengers are holding the load on.


I wonder which Ferry they were aiming to catch ? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Woolwich :bulb:

Think he needs to go on an overpriced roping and sheeting course?

Even I didn’t put the wrong sheet on first!


Pinched off Facebook, please delete if it offends.


John West:
Think he needs to go on an overpriced roping and sheeting course?

Even I didn’t put the wrong sheet on first!

Pinched off Facebook, please delete if it offends.


I would hazard a guess that that trailer was straight off the ferry from Ireland and of course the Paddy’s couldn’t sheet and rope anyway ! Cheers Bewick.


John West:
Think he needs to go on an overpriced roping and sheeting course?

Even I didn’t put the wrong sheet on first!

Pinched off Facebook, please delete if it offends.


I would hazard a guess that that trailer was straight off the ferry from Ireland and of course the Paddy’s couldn’t sheet and rope anyway ! Cheers Bewick.

I think the Paddy’s used a No9 shovel to rope and sheet there was certainly
some abortions came into Preston docks you had to wear sunglasses and a
wig before daring to leave the dock gates, and when it came to removing
the wraps the tool of choice was a vert sharp knife.
thanks harry, long retired.

I seem to remember looking for sheet ties on an incoming Irish flat. Eventually I found two short bits of frayed rope!