RHD ERFs with 5MW cabs

Well here’s a surprise from the Paul Gee thread, posted by DEANB: a Jamesons 5MW! Ro


Robert have you seen that Eric Vick transport an ardent follower of all things ERF is shutting up shop at the end of April, his son who has kept it going for five years after the founder passed said that it is no longer viable to keep going so will close, there are twelve drivers but he is confident they will all find jobs as good drivers are hard to come by nowadays, Buzzer


Robert have you seen that Eric Vick transport an ardent follower of all things ERF is shutting up shop at the end of April, his son who has kept it going for five years after the founder passed said that it is no longer viable to keep going so will close, there are twelve drivers but he is confident they will all find jobs as good drivers are hard to come by nowadays, Buzzer

Thanks Buzzer. Yes, this is sad news indeed. I was able to briefly interview Eric Vick just before he passed away, when I was writing the books; and Chris was most helpful after that. With both Read and Vick gone, the Glos transport scene will be a new landscape. Ro

L James Transport Leicester. Ro

Courtesy of Paul Gee and DEANB, Jameson’s 5MW in all its glory! Ro



Nice one Ken! Last I heard of that unit, it had been bought for preservation so with any luck it’ll pop up at a show one day :smiley: (don’t suppose there’ll be any shows this year though :cry: ). Ro

Here’s one we haven’t seen before (in the background!). Robert


The nearest one looks a better option :smiley:



Nice one Ken! Last I heard of that unit, it had been bought for preservation so with any luck it’ll pop up at a show one day :smiley: (don’t suppose there’ll be any shows this year though :cry: ). Ro

I don’t think it will need much restoration, Stevensons are well known for keeping Old tackle running & earning its keep

I’m pretty sure it was kept in one of the green door sheds by the Harbour & given a run around the block every now & then

Even a painting of one of theirs on the wall & another wagon above for the Xmas Lights


Thank you for these Ken. There’s a fair bit about this consignment on the 4MW thread; but we haven’t seen these particular cutting before. And yes they were 4MW cabs so I’ll pop them on that thread for you. Interesting to see their reference to a fail-safe braking system. This probably refers to the, then, new and modern spring-brake system, which, in this country, ERF were the first to trial and use. Must have been quite a job in the '60s to drive ERFs down to Jordan! Ro

Earlier in this month I posted pics of ROW 624M in Jameson’s livery. Well, dear old Bubbleman (Marcus), has just come up with some links to bring together more of the history of this unit. The pics speak for themselves as follows:




One of the last MW’s, if the plate corresponds to its build date. Proof that the “vertical” grille style was not a chronological change, most probably to do with the option of a radiator shutter. Also proof that the MW had builf up something of a following in the market, given the availability of two types of B series sleeper cab by that stage.



One of the last MW’s, if the plate corresponds to its build date. Proof that the “vertical” grille style was not a chronological change, most probably to do with the option of a radiator shutter. Also proof that the MW had builf up something of a following in the market, given the availability of two types of B series sleeper cab by that stage.

Indeed! We have examples of R-registered 5MW, 6MW and 7MW cabbed ERFs. At one time all the later MWs were being supplied alongside LV-cabbed vehicles and SP-cabbed B-series. Ro



I always thought those 5MW eight-leggers in NZ were impressive!

This thread reminds me that I was recently sent this:


LV i would say. the doorframe/footwell shape :question: . :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: - :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face:


… 100% LV steel cabs had wind up windows you can also see shape in the panel behind the door…LV LV LV all day