Reversing... please tell me it gets easier :(


Wales to Hemel…have they moved the M25■■?

Using the M25 to get to the M4 I presume.

M4 from Wales… M25 northbound to M1 to get Hemel. Back down M1 and then M25 southbound to the A3 for the south… that was out route…

Reversing for the test is nowt like the real world

Left to bend right to mend for the reversing it will come together don’t worry

When doing the couple find a way that suits you a lot of people use BLACK ( brake legs airlines clip kingpin ) don’t forget number plate

The way I do it reverse back feel / hear it click do tug test to check if it not to high clip in then number plate checking trailer as well as the lights wind legs then air lines trailer brake adjust hight then clip in if not done due to fact I am not that tall I can’t alway reach clip so need to lower the hight

Your 2 worries reversing and coupling get easier the more you do them , the reverse is always easier when you have a reference point ie lines on the floor etc but as has been said find a nice big car park and try reversing in a straight line and start putting lock on either way to see how the trailer moves and remember that when you steer the unit the trailer doesn’t react straight away so be prepared as when the trailer does start moving too much lock can catch you out .
The coupling is a case of getting a system and sticking with it again as has Been said black is the most common .

The coupling is not so much as in the routine… I sort of have one but waiting to see what they say in the course… I am usually doing it with my partner. And I have only reversed under the trailer once. My issue is actually getting the air lines in… saying that, I did it on Friday night without a hitch.

Also… I reversed yesterday into a space at the lorry park with only 2 shunts to get it right… Woop Woop.

Feeling a lot more confident now… 2 weeks until course and test… getting excited.

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It does get easier.
The thing to bare in mind is, even though at first it all seems backwards, every time you ■■■■ up, your brain is storing up all this information.
Then all of a sudden, one day it all just clicks.
Different people have different techniques. Some work better for you than others.
just percivere, you’ll be fine…

Give yourself as much room as possible. The better the initial positioning, the easier it is.
Small and smooth steering inputs to begin with.
SLOWLY DOES IT. (Gives you chance to correct much more easily).

The fact that your mirrors and windows are spotless, and your mirrors are correctly adjusted are a given.

If you are unsure about anything, STOP. Get out and have a look. This shows professionalism and intelligence.

Thank you all… all your advice has been very useful. Yesterday I managed to get a little practice and it’s all starting to click and sink in… woop woop!

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What gets easier is dealing with the embarrassment of making a hash of it! :blush:
The second you can let go of that, it’s a big hurdle out of the way…
After that, it’s a learning experience! :smiley:

What gets easier is dealing with the embarrassment of making a hash of it! :blush:
The second you can let go of that, it’s a big hurdle out of the way…
After that, it’s a learning experience! :smiley:

Well this week I went out mon and Tue with the artic… and on Tuesday parked up on 2 bays and parked up back in the yard… needed a few shunts but did not care who was watching or how many shunts I needed… feeling a lot more confident and looking forward to the course… not so much the test lol… dam nerves…

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