Rates for brick & block work

“luv you to babe” :wink:

you lads sure your on the right forum?

This is “Gay Truckers” isn’t it?? :laughing: :laughing:

Blue lights and tasselled cutains to follow !!!


north surrey haulage:
I’m paying pump prices on my “cashback” dredit card at the mo’ but I’m gonna start going back over to Belgium soon.

It came from here. :unamused:

I can get you some good work going to Cyprus if you want… :wink: :laughing:
Cheap derv in Bulgaria! :laughing:

Ah you’ll be grabbing the dirty end of the stick (no relation to the “gay” tangent :wink:)then.

I meant going on the fuel runs again :unamused:
Running unit only.

As for being gay …well any port in a storm.
And the storm I’m in makes Katrina look like an autumn gust :wink: