Professional my arse

Fun indeed, the M11 split on the M25 used to be good for that, sent plenty of people up or down the M11 when they tried playing silly buggers up the inside of me, hopefully most chose to go south and had to go all the way down to the Redbridge or Waterworks roundabouts to begin retracing their path back to the M25.

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Rob K:

Nobody’s disputing there are other guilty parties in this as well as the ■■■■ in the Scania DD, and I aint naive enough to think it aint just a normal everyday situation on the road, (unfortunately) and as you say no kittens puppies or toddlers were harmed, although if ■■■■ had got his way there may well have been one of the latter strapped in the back of one of the cars, who’s Mother would not give a flying [zb] about his boat to catch…yeh, yeh, ok, I know over dramatised effect alert, so it’s back to Rob K’s Daily Mail, but potentialy real despite all that. :bulb:

Look mate, trust me on this, I’m the most unlike a drama queen type you could meet, and my whole point in this thread is that Scania ■■■■ is supposed to be a cut above, a ‘pro’ with higher standards ie professionalism :bulb: …as laughable as that last statement is. :unamused:

I responded to you earlier but the post hasn’t come through yet. In response to this, the only reason it’s received attention is because there’s a big truck in the frame. These kind of antics are performed by car and van drivers everywhere and no-one bats an eyelid other than a bit of tutting and rolling of eyes. As mentioned by someone else in a recent thread, we are only “professionals” when on the receiving end of The Law; the rest of the time we are just drivers, the same as everyone else, the only difference being that our vehicles are bigger than their vehicles. People go on about how we should set examples. Examples to whom? Do you think a car driver trundling along in their cocoon with their blinkers on is going to be paying any attention to a trucker maintaining a 2 second gap and correct use of indication and lane discipline? :unamused: The only thing car drivers care about is getting in front of the nasty juggernaut at all costs, regardless of the fact their arse falls out at 45mph, because-speed-cameras. They are quick to post their selective few seconds of glory on the internetz for the Daily Mail lot to get all frothy over, yet when scrutinised it usually transpires that their own driving is just as bad - if not worse - and that’s just within the selective clip they’ve uploaded. Like I said in my other post, let’s see the footage in the preceeding few minutes as I strongly suspect this wasn’t the first encounter he’d had with the BMW. Doesn’t make it right but it takes two to tango.

I like this post. [emoji1360]

theres several options to amuse and brighten up your truckie days ranging from similar scenarios to dippers delight,splashing cyclists,slipstreaming fannys in caravans as you overtake them and realising why they are nicknamed wobble boxes,blasting the horn and looking the other way when some urban ■■■■■■■ walks across standing traffic in front of you wearing earphones,with my personal two favourites being,passig close to a golf course,and blasting the horns just as someones in the middle of their backswing and for those continental jaunts,offloading opened bottles of tizer coming back down the corridor passing the great unwashed and watching them scatter.( this is always best accompanies with the dambusters tune being sung as the same time ). :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing:
Or more ■■■■■■■■■… full blast on TGV twin airhorns when horse rider in full Lord Snooty gear is passing over a M way bridge you’re going under, and see him sky diving in your mirror towards lane 2…done it loads of times. :sunglasses:

Ok I’m lying,… never done it. :smiley:

Poor effort from the Scania driver, he had the opportunity to force the car to take the exit and didn’t take it, if you’re going to use your vehicle as a weapon then do a proper job!

At that point surely the mission of any self respecting tang has to be stay in lane 3 and get past the BMW and the van. :smiling_imp: :smiley:

Own Account Driver:

This is ridiculous even by Trucknet standards, 4 pages on what was a couple of bad split second decisions. Do you loads not get bored of disecting something so dull in so much detail?!

I made the same assumption you have to watch it to the end when the truck retaliates.

I did, still not worthy of so much thought and discussion! Worth posting but hilarious how seriously people are taking it

So ignoring the 4 pages for a minute, what’s your opinion on that specific part…you can have the LAST word on it. …hopefully. :smiley:


My main thought was how on earth does someone get that filled with Road rage after such a simple incident. Lorry driver is a fool and I dread to think how many confrontations he gets involved in on a daily basis. I don’t understand it as I don’t ever get Road rage thankfully

you would be aware that the tangs in general are a laid back bunch but at the same time tend to spark up easiely wth that celtic blood and all that.
it might have been as simple a reason that he was late for mass??
i reckon we could kick the ■■■ out if this and make it a 5 pager, :smiley: