Predicting the future


I suppose one nation attempting to secede - might consider using the currency of the old regime - because I cannot ever see that old regime knackering it’s own currency to bring down their enemy!

If Britain had joined the Euro, it would be a lot harder politically to leave the EU but a lot easier in practice I suggest.

It might still be the case that Britain leaving the EU in practice - will bring down the Euro.
We might have to Bring Down the Euro BEFORE completing Brexit however - “thus cutting the wire fence” so to speak.

It seems clear that us leaving the EU in the form of ending our ‘contributions’ would create havoc within the EU and especially the German economy thereby crashing the raison d etre of the Euro.There are too many big interests who are in too deep with the EU project in that regard to let us go without anything less than a full on war of secession v federal aggression.Which HM and her forces obviously ain’t going to be onside with.Don’t expect any miracles from controlled opposition BoJo or Farage in that regard.The dream ended with the quiet removal of both Batten and Hoey from the scene.Fast forward to around 2050-2060 to see where all this ends up going.But you can bet that if/when Lisbon is allowed to take over the agenda we’ll be in the Euro by default long before then.The difference being that this time Germany has got us exactly where it wants us ( split from Canada/NZ/Australia unlike in 1914 and 1939 and an asset stripped shell incapable to defending itself and probably much weaker in real terms than even Slovenia was v the JNA ).

Let alone CSA v USA which is probably a closer comparison of the mismatch in an inevitable sooner or later EU v UK ( call it England ) brawl.Even if we had the leadership and a united population on the country’s side for it ( see Missouri ) :frowning: .

Make no mistake all this was pre planned from at least 1945 in that the US couldn’t/wouldn’t dare allow a Confederate States of Europe to take off and which are the obvious stakes if secession is shown to succeed,let alone work,in Europe now.

I can’t say I agree with you there. Just because HM “let it go” last time over Mountbatten getting bumped off by the IRA - If it came to pass that the EU “set the IRA dogs on us” by endorsing a resumption of their mainland Britain bombing campaign, then believe me - there would be some “unity” in this country against the EU that we’ve not yet seen in terms of sheer hostility to what the EU is really all about.

Enemy of the State, a State that we Brits in the end - would rather support, than risk being “punished” for supporting a foreign enemy acting against the UK.

All it takes - is for people to directly start dying, and the EU being unable to wash their hands of their involvement any longer.

“Who is like unto the Beast? - Who is able to make war with it?” Revelation 13:4

The EU has gotten away with it thus far, because the “deaths” have all been via layers of indirection.

Eg. If it costs £1,000,000 on average to save a single human life with NHS treatment upon a “Survivable ailment” - then if we give the EU that million and thus deprive the NHS of it - ONE person dies as a result.

Give the EU £50billion over the last 3 years when we could and should have left the day after the referendum result, at least in “ceasing the contributions” - then so far, “Not doing Brexit” has allowed the EU to deprive the NHS of such cash as to “indirectly” kill 50,000 people. That’s more than died in the BLITZ FFS.

We are not allowed to “badly treat criminals” any longer in this country.
Let’s see how harshly the Police treat the cop-killer pi keys under investigation in Berkshire this week…
We are not allowed to cut benefits for scroungers, without cutting benefits for the disabled as well. Cut benefits for the disabled, and everyone forgets about the scroungers, at least on the Leftist narrative.
We are not allowed to take illegal immigrants picked up from a floundering vessel anywhere - back to where they came from. Why not?
We’re not allowed to refer to “illegal immigrants” as “illegal” come to that, and bang goes the “criminal” argument, when as Non-EU citizens, what rights can they possibly have under EU law to “circumvent THEIR laws” - let alone ours in the UK?

Then of course, there’s “Transport for London” - employing so-called “Professional” drivers with minimum skills, that have seen a surge in fatalities directly down to the drivers of those buses, trams, and taxis employed under the TfL banner… Overturned Tram here, Crashed into overhanging trees there, put through a shop window the other, taking their passengers to a secluded spot to be attacked, notwithstanding as well.

Didn’t happen back in the Pre-Euro days before the floodgates were opened - did it?

“The Cliff Edge” - doesn’t exist.

For it to happen, we would have to see the EU cutting ALL ties with Britain thus creating that cliff edge on November 1st.

This includes:

Building a wall between North and South Ireland overnight

Recalling all shipments of goods on their way to the EU, and refunding all payments already made (if they don’t, Britain is free to help itself to assets held by the EU within the UK)

Refusing all delivery of UK goods arriving in the EU, and trying to get a refund, if those goods have already been paid for, but now the EU don’t want to take delivery of…

Trying to re-manage their budget, now that it is £39billion initially, and thereafter around £1billion per month “short”.

Trying to enforce their “rights” in our fishing waters - when we’re close enough to confiscate all their vessels if need be first

Trying to evade our customs efforts to export more non-EU immigrants to the UK across the channel, when once out of the Strasbourg HRC - we’re no longer obliged to take any citizens from anywhere but “commonwealth” nations.

Disrupting exchange-agreed contracts for commodities, along with their deliveries.
WE are not the ones that’ll be going short of food, as we have the choice of importing from the wider world. How are the Landlocked EU nations going to get hold of things like saltwater Fish though?
A cessation of “shared intelligence” which won’t matter so much to the UK, because we’ll be stopping the would-be terrorists from arriving in Britain in the first place. If anything, France is going to be in dire straits, as their nation fills up with all those villains who now cannot get across the channel, but have full yuman rights to claim benefits, get housed, practice their illegal activities, and not be obliged to get a job and pay taxes ever…

The “Transition Period” - is the last three years. Any “further” transition period - will be because the EU cannot implement any of the above to stop or start - because the supertanker steers like an asteroid, and always has. No need for the UK to pay for the EU’s folly in being “Too big to fail”.

The EU needs to reform it’s transport links - and fast!
Britain - is already well on the wall to reforming ours.

Less Euro trunks, more domestic tramping. Less “nights out”, more “home every night Trunking”.
Less depots near Ports, more depots near central Britain’s motorway corridors.

And doya know what? There’s no need for ANYONE already here to be “sent home” amongst all that…

“Craking down on Immigration” - is satisfied by simply “not letting anyone come here without a job lined up”.
If you’re here and working - they can stay. If you’re here and scounging benefits, then convict them of some crime under Patel’s new home office programme - and get rid of them.

Most people don’t care much about the “Immigration” aspect of Brexit, or UKIP would be polling better than it is.
It’s all about the MONEY and “Ending Austerity”. That’s it. Something you’d think that ALL parties would dream of having and doing - but no.

Brexit is the golden goose for the one who completes it, and Pandora’s box for the ones that were not on watch when that happens.

So much for politicians and their “for the good of Britain” - when they are clearly acting in their own partisan interests - nothing more.

It’ll be interesting to see “who resigns, and who doesn’t” should the Tories gain a handful of seats, but still be short of a full majority, whilst Labour lose a handful of seats, putting a coalition against the Tories further out of reach than ever.
It would be even MORE interesting if Labour GAINED a handful of seats - but have the choice of ONLY being able to go into coalition with the Tories or Brexit Party, because the SNP and Libdems have both lost seats, putting them out of contention as potential coalition partners…