Past Present and in Between in Pictures (Part 1)

Brill input from toureg123, wagons of the world, also kevmac47, Buzzer and Gardner 120 :smiley: :smiley:
the Ditch Witch on the kevmac47 Scania pic, cute name that, made by the Charles Machine Works of Perry Oklahoma, they share some of their photos (flickr), like this one.

Hi Robert , here is an Iveco for ye , loaded wheel loader , whole lot went overland Afghanistan .

Nice to see a β€˜Euro’ Iveco on long-haul. I hope it had a Twin-splitter like mine did! Robert :slight_smile:

And mine!

Retired Old β– β– β– β– :
And mine!

This long-haul Eurotech had Twinsplitter in it too, from what I remember, ROF! Robert :slight_smile:

Hi robert , no twin splitter in that one , ex- severn trent water , converted to LHD only 150,000klms on it.
Syria , yard closed for moment due to heavy bombing!!! :imp: :smiling_imp:

office and house now destroyed , just north of Damascus on the road to Homs :imp:


Dont Forget !! The β– β– β– β– β– β– β– β– β– β–  Trunk Run from the layby on the A66 at Braithwaite, Keswick this Saturday 13th Sept. First vehicle away at 9-30am via Bothel A595 to Carlisle and A7 Longtown, then to Alston and Hartside Cafe. (Lunch stop) Returning via Penrith, B5305 Sebergham, Street RE and A595 to Cockermouth Shepherds Hotel. The Sunday run leaves Cockermouth via Workington Maryport and Wigton to Kirkbride (White Heather).Lunch stop and then dispersal for home giving those with a good distance to travel a good start.
Cheers Leyland 600.

hi, Robert , some of Cairo , you still there? old yard not much business now :cry:

Another fine input thanks to toureg123, Retired Old β– β– β– β–  and robert1952 :smiley:

now from a place less exotic, Glencoe, the A82.

hi, Robert , some of Cairo , you still there? old yard not much business now :cry:

Just left Cairo to retire. That grey MAN looks like a classic bit of Cairo parking to me! Robert :laughing:


Iveco cr MATEUS cc by nc sa 2.0 10423154025_2340dd0b8d_km.jpg

I still think that the Euro Ivecos were very under-rated lorries. The engine was almost unbreakable and the twin splitter was what many would regard as the best gearbox ever. The in-cab accommodation was pretty decent for it’s time, especially with the high-roof version and there was quite a bit of storage space, even before the driver had fitted his own bits. If the lorry had any drawbacks it was that it was as well not to run them in too much nasty weather as the electrics were decidedly Italian as was the rust-resistance of the cab panels. I loved mine.

Great photography CCK. Jim.

coca cola kid:

Whats the firm from nearby that runs nice tippers in blue,is it vaines or summat like that :question: :question:

Hi Seth yes it’s Colin Vaines just of J36 on Birdwell Common at one time Colin used to buy Chase’s secondhand motors Cheers Mel CCK

jmc jnr:
Great photography CCK. Jim.

Thanks Jim

coca cola kid:

Great photos as usual cck.


coca cola kid:

Great photos as usual cck.

Thanks Jakdaw

Thanks to Mac Braham For still keeping a smart fleet of trucks, another good operator i once worked for in the 70s