Parking ticket on industrial estate!

Regarding the original thread, I would refuse to pay it and ignore it. Let them take you to court if they can be arsed. I would argue the point right down to the bone and risk the consequences.

It doesn’t say what the offence is for and as far as you’re concerned you haven’t done anything wrong.

End of.

Click Happy:
It doesn’t say what the offence is for and as far as you’re concerned you haven’t done anything wrong.

It does say what the offence was for, not complying with the regulations regarding the parking of a truck on the road which in this case seems to have been interpreted by the idiot (sorry parking attendant) as having no lights on while parked. That is an offence and while we are all agreed that the issuing of a ticket was stupid fighting it when he is guilty of the offence would only cost him a load of cash in the long run.

I know that in the old days of the GLC (Greater London Council) the whole of London had a ban on overnight parking for HGV’s on public roads…

is it possible that t has never been revoked■■?

55 A commercial vehicle parked in a restricted street in contravention of the overnight waiting ban. No commercial vehicle over 5 tonnes in weight may park overnight in London streets.


Lambeth Council

Well looks like that’s the answer then and it wasn’t for no lights, doesn’t look like their is any chance to fight it even so.

Well i have to agree with Rikki…it was a contravention of the overnight parking regulations which apply to all london boroughs…it is no good even trying to think about arguing with them…and if you ignore it then the fine goes up…i must agree that it is a very difficult situation trying to deliver within the london boroughs parking enforcement…and i live here…when they brought in the regulations i was working for a transport company within the boundaries and could not even leave our depot before 0700 without infringing the territory so to speak…but we had no choice…especially when we had to be in central london for 0730/0800…the boss just told us to get on with it.and there were no exemptions…he ended up paying thousands of pounds in fines…very unfair…of course if we were united we could refuse to deliver to these councils that lay down their own rules put them on a blacklist.until they relent…but on the other hand…there are of course residential areas who do not want trucks thundering past at un-earthly hours during the hours of sleep…which brings me to another point…let trucks work a 12 hour day…0600 to 1800…and all park up (somewhere)…end of problems eh! :laughing:

i have a solution to this problem in the future and for any other parking problems I.E. not paying at msa,s just et some foreign plates made up and stick them on your truck when you park up, if they knock on the door just gibber something that sonds foreign and they might just leave you alone to park for free :slight_smile::):).

Hmmmmmmm, I remember a copper telling me a story similar to this one, he had stopped a car for some offence, the driver was of Chinese extraction and started waffling away in Cantonese, unfortunately, this coppers partner in crime was ex Hong Kong police and spoke fluent cantonese and just said in cantonese, “you’re nicked matey” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Ok so its for

55 A commercial vehicle parked in a restricted street in contravention of the overnight waiting ban. No commercial vehicle over 5 tonnes in weight may park overnight in London streets.

What if you’ve parked up because you were out of either working or driving hours??

Yea it may cost but I’d refuse to pay and threaten them with the European courts as you were obeying euro rules.
I’m sure a good soliciter will win it for you if you had to park up to keep within the rules

What if you’ve parked up because you were out of either working or driving hours??

Nice idea but it wouldn’t work because the rules make provision for parking to be found if need be and you can just park any old place because you are out of hours, if you ran out of hours stuck in traffic on the motorway you couldn’t spend the night on the hard shoulder. They could also argue that you should know in advance that there is no parking on London streets for vehicles over 5 tons and should take that into account and not venture into London if you would run out hours while in there.

Just playing devils advocate here. :wink:

Just playing devils advocate here.

I realise that but…
theres a contradiction of two laws here so i reckon a good soliciters letter will get the councill to back down rather than spend all there hard earned parking and speed camera money on fighting through euro courts. just my humble opinion. then again they may rofl

I realise that but…
theres a contradiction of two laws here

There is no contradiction, just because we have to park up when we run out of time doesn’t mean we can park anywhere and keeping within the racho rules does require some forward planning.

just because we have to park up when we run out of time doesn’t mean we can park anywhere and keeping within the racho rules does require some forward planning.

Whilst I totally agree (well nearly) with you, I personally always take a 45 before going into London, but have still been caught out and had to park up, so if I had genuinlly run out of hours in London and got a ticket I would fight it to the death :slight_smile: Err well maybe not to my death .
After all its the union that’ll pay for my solicitor :smiling_imp:

if I had genuinlly run out of hours in London and got a ticket I would fight it to the death

AH but the regulations do allow for you to run over your hours if necessary to seek suitable parking and an illegal ■■■■■■■■■■■■ would not be suitable. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

It was 0630 in the morning how did he know you had parked overnight, surely you had just pulled up and decided to have 10 mins before tipping

Some time ago they might have turned a blind eye to a truck parked on an industrial estate, but the councils now have parking attendants, not the traditional traffic warden. They are under pressure to reach targets and you were an easy target.
Of course for a 6:45 delivery in London you were probally on a hiding to nothing, either park outside and get a parking ticket or drive into the area and get fined for going down the road before 7am. :unamused: