Non local sitting my C class in Glasgow


Peter Smythe:

Just to add a candidate who doesn’t know the area is more focused about lane position consequently becomes blinkered and starts forgetting mirror checks and indicators etc which can result in a serious fault.

Interesting and credible theory. But has no basis in fact IME of training nearly 1,000 “out of area” candidates. The pass rates are the same for those who know the area and those who don’t.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

I think it is more a fact than a theory. Not knowing the roads is a disadvantage and it will make your test harder, if the test is harder you are more likely to fail, so simple as that.

As I said, I passed yesterday with 4 minors, every single one of them due to the lack of knowledge of the roads (late positioning etc). It’s not that not knowing the area will make you fail or make you incapable of doing the job, but it’s something else you have to worry about…

Now, my advice for those in this situation is to take your time, better risk a couple minors for undue hesitation or position than failing because you get stuck in a situation you can’t get out of.

Firstly well done on your pass.

Totally agree with the above Beningo and you have basically hit the nail on the head by confirming my comments on this thread especially with the late positioning due to being unfamiliar with the road layout

There are three solid aspects to base how you choose to your training provider and they are…

  1. The quality of tuition

  2. Being comfortable with the mechanics of the training vehicle (wise to have an assessment before booking)

  3. Local knowledge of the road network (test routes)

Anyone looking for a training provider should seriously consider the above.

All the best


:smiley: :smiley:

There are three solid aspects to base how you choose to your training provider and they are…

  1. The quality of tuition

  2. Being comfortable with the mechanics of the training vehicle (wise to have an assessment before booking)

  3. Local knowledge of the road network (test routes)

Absolutely agree with points 1 and 2. In my book, the third statement is far from proved. Nearly 1,000 folks from out of area have been very happy to come to us and pass their test - the huge majority 1st time which mirrors the results for local folks.

As I said, I passed yesterday with 4 minors, every single one of them due to the lack of knowledge of the roads

A pass is a pass. So the lack of local knowledge did no harm at all. Any good trainer will point out any “trip up” points on the relevant test routes and my evidence is that lack of local knowledge is not an issue. Nearly 1,000 passes says so.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Peter it’s not all about you, but from my experience not just as a trainer but I’m talking about when I passed my tests and also as a driver that I find local knowledge helps and takes away some stress, I can’t see why you can’t agree on this??

I understand why your being defensive though.


I DO agree that, in normal driving, knowing the drops and the route can lessen stress. There is no doubt about that. But the fact remains that it doesn’t appear to have any affect on driving test results. Sorry if that doesn’t go with your theory. But, as mentioned more than once, it’s based on the experience of nearly 1,000 candidates. The fact that our candidates are on driving test route the instant they leave our centre helps. And also training in a straightforward area with zero complicated road markings. Every little helps.

Maybe this has now reached it’s logical end? Getting bored with it now!

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Hooray glad you agree!!!

Hope business is good, Im biting the bullet and getting set up with BE training getting loads of enquires.

Paul :smiley:

Seriously, all the best with that Paul.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

I had a chance to sit it a bit earlier and I passed with 4 minors. So happy!

Well done!