Maritime transport



yorkshire terrier:
I get above average pay in my job for a top gaffer who wants us to work,it’s not cushy it acfdir days work for a fair days pay,he trusts us he don’t watch us and gets respect and 100% out of me for that…

A lot of these up their own arse type firms who practice all this crap towards their drivers fail to see it is counter productive, and that you only reap what you sow…also as in the case of drivers like Corji and Conor it would seem. :neutral_face:
Illustrated in your case mate, you gladly and willinglly give 100%+ only because you are treated as an adult and a professional by your firm.

An example of that a few weeks back at our place, started at 8am doing a day in the yard where you finish at 4:30pm. Call comes in at 4pm, need to swap a broken down trailer in Cardigan this evening for them to carry on seeing patients 9am the next day. I basically ask whats the address? which trailer do I take? and get my unit under. Another driver who was already home gets back in the car to come back to work to help me. We get down there, book in a hotel, get up early the next morning and swap the trailers and screening started again at 9am no bother.

If we were treated bad they would have needed to cancel that mornings work as I would have gone home and said I will leave tomorrow at 4am, not my problem.

I’ve worked for a couple of good firms in the past, I would have (and did) do anything to help them out, and was rewarded adequately and treated with respect.
Now I work for a firm who want a first class service for a second class rate, and look upon us as arses on seats, so I just get on, look after numero uno, and keep my head down.
I still do the job to the best of my ability because that is just me, but anything over and above that, or actively helping as I used to… ■■■■ em !

All comes down to pay.
I’ll jump through as many hoops as they like…as long as the coins there.

You’ve heard mixed reviews?

You’ll hear mixed reviews about every company pal. Normally you’ll get a bunch of drivers who didn’t get on well with a company or the job didn’t suit their circumstances. They will be the ones to gob off all the time about that company saying how they are awful, yet the ones who actually like working there probably won’t say much. The loud mouths will be the ones to spread all the crap about their “poor” experience when often it’s their poor attitude that caused their poor experience.

Basically, if your looking for work give it a try and make your own mind up. Worst that can happen is that it doesn’t suit you, leave on good terms and move on.

They seem to have good kit and go do things properly. I’ve seen some of the drivers at amazon before and they seemed happy. That’s all I can tell you. Oh and they don’t seem in a rush either. Seem to sit there at 50mph for most of the time, so can’t be a management style that’s pushing the drivers all the time.

You’ve heard mixed reviews?

You’ll hear mixed reviews about every company pal. Normally you’ll get a bunch of drivers who didn’t get on well with a company or the job didn’t suit their circumstances. They will be the ones to gob off all the time about that company saying how they are awful, yet the ones who actually like working there probably won’t say much. The loud mouths will be the ones to spread all the crap about their “poor” experience when often it’s their poor attitude that caused their poor experience.

Basically, if your looking for work give it a try and make your own mind up. Worst that can happen is that it doesn’t suit you, leave on good terms and move on.

They seem to have good kit and go do things properly. I’ve seen some of the drivers at amazon before and they seemed happy. That’s all I can tell you. Oh and they don’t seem in a rush either. Seem to sit there at 50mph for most of the time, so can’t be a management style that’s pushing the drivers all the time.

This ^^^^^^^^^ every time.

Even though I was one who posted ‘‘what I heard’’ I’ve got to agree with last 2 posts.
Take into account what you hear, bear it in mind, and if you have nothing to lose give it a go.
It could just be all drivecrap, be the best job going, and the cameras etc just be somebody’s imagination…who knows? :smiley:
You’ll never know otherwise, I once heard all sorts about a firm, but I found them ok.

When i worked for a small family run outfit who subbed for maritime out of avonmouth the bosses there where happy if you could manage 3 boxes a day and they pretty much left me alone most of the time unless there was an urgent job needed doing. Just give it a go you got nothing to lose by trying the job out.

I’ve worked for them both direct and for a subbie. Done distribution and boxes.

Plenty boring RDC and Amazon (prison yard) work, In cab camera’s and planners constantly tracking you, so if you like ’ popping home ’ or anything else frowned upon, it won’t suit you. Container work is mind numbing and trying to get a kip whilst pallets are being slammed down and scrotes are all shouting is nigh impossible.

Some decent lads and some brown nosing tools work for them. Microlise scores are proudly displayed on the wall for all to see, I quite enjoyed being crap and near the bottom, other cringy types used to fall over themselves running over to see who was at the top :unamused: :blush: Manual entries and plenty paperwork too, always advertising for drivers at all depots.

All in all, not great. " Seek and ye shall find " :arrow_right:

While I can’t comment on Maritime, as I’ve never worked there I can comment on in-cab cameras and the “surveillance” element of the job.

I’m a fairly new pass and only doing Class 2 work at the moment to build experience, after being messed about by local firms I managed to get in at a big haulage firm that were willing to take me on with zero experience. Yes, I had to pass an assessment and then have subsequently had 2 weeks of having a mentor out with me to get to grips with the job. (This is standard for all drivers).

When they mentioned that there would be 2 cameras in the vehicle, one facing the driver and one facing the road I was of course a little apprehensive as it felt a bit big brother. It was put to me as: “those cameras will either keep you out of prison, or put you in prison.” Morale of the story, if I’m not doing anything wrong such as on my phone, ruffling paperwork, driving like a d*ckhead, having all round good observation I’ve got nothing to worry about. In my limited experience of seeing how terrible the standard of driving is of the last few months I’d definitely endorse it and feel more safe as a driver knowing it is there.

Given that every vehicle is fitted, and having met the blokes that review the footage they certainly don’t have enough time to watch you, and couldn’t be less interested if you’re singing along to the spice girls while driving to Bristol. However the camera picks up on certain triggers (too many to mention) and these are graded on a 1-4 basis. 1 being something very minor to 3 & 4 being more serious and warranting a discussion with the driver if appropriate. These all come back to the blokes in the office and it gives them a 20 clip effectively, 10 seconds either side of the incident to assist in establishing the root cause.

Having worked at this place a few months and hitting the brakes quite hard once or twice and hitting the odd bump in the road a bit hard (nearly hitting my head on the roof :laughing: I’ve not been spoken to once. And having driven through London I’m certainly glad it’s there to protect me!

Although this is a little old now, it certainly resonates with me and makes me want to get out and bang on peoples windows when I see them on phones while driving :open_mouth: so if you have a couple of minutes give it a watch…

I remember the crash (not accident) when it happened. So sad and needless. 10 years wasn’t enough in my opinion given the suffering he’s inflicted on the family for the rest of their lives.

these threads make me smile

surveillance / loads of rules/ multi drop/ run ragged /a shoit in the office its allus funny to read how many on this forum hate all this
instead want it all their way,the cushy job ,top dollar -where you are left to your own devices -but christ thats as boring as it gets. no challenge . and before somone says oh but i do have challenges in my job… yeh right

A little respect is all it takes, bingo every bodys happy



yorkshire terrier:
I get above average pay in my job for a top gaffer who wants us to work,it’s not cushy it acfdir days work for a fair days pay,he trusts us he don’t watch us and gets respect and 100% out of me for that…

A lot of these up their own arse type firms who practice all this crap towards their drivers fail to see it is counter productive, and that you only reap what you sow…also as in the case of drivers like Corji and Conor it would seem. :neutral_face:
Illustrated in your case mate, you gladly and willinglly give 100%+ only because you are treated as an adult and a professional by your firm.

An example of that a few weeks back at our place, started at 8am doing a day in the yard where you finish at 4:30pm. Call comes in at 4pm, need to swap a broken down trailer in Cardigan this evening for them to carry on seeing patients 9am the next day. I basically ask whats the address? which trailer do I take? and get my unit under. Another driver who was already home gets back in the car to come back to work to help me. We get down there, book in a hotel, get up early the next morning and swap the trailers and screening started again at 9am no bother.

If we were treated bad they would have needed to cancel that mornings work as I would have gone home and said I will leave tomorrow at 4am, not my problem.

Why did they want you to swap the trailer in your cardigan?, did you not just wear your normal work gear?

Dreadful company run by total ■■■■■■■■■■ pay is ■■■■ and hours stupidly long.
Avoid and go work for someone that will treat you like a Human not a number

Why did they want you to swap the trailer in your cardigan?, did you not just wear your normal work gear?

That is normal work wear as I work for a bespoke coach building firm :sunglasses:

Dreadful company run by total [zb], pay is [zb] and hours stupidly long.
Avoid and go work for someone that will treat you like a Human not a number

…agree. I went to work for them. Disgrace!
I was given a number of different “mentors”, one was amazing, the next one left to work for a rival, the next one was ok, the last was was a mentalist.
No idea on the law in relation to driving. What he did not know he made up. Did all he could to make my life difficult and undermine any confience I had.
Way to many grasses on the firm. Taking down other drivers details who they suspected were smoking in the cab or had not wound the trailer legs up enough, were parked where they should not of been etc.

Maybe it was just my depot. But in the end I walked.

my knowledge of these is limited passing them on the A14 run in or out of Felixstowe dock . iv never seen any wandering or daft sudden pulling out overtaking by that mob ,chugging out steadily seems to be the mantra .Since this thread started iv usually looked as im passing to see if the drivers got a happy or unhappy look to him but they are bolt upright eyes straight ahead, neither unhappy or happy

Sharp Boy:
Way to many grasses on the firm. Taking down other drivers details who they suspected were smoking in the cab or had not wound the trailer legs up enough, were parked where they should not of been etc.

The sort of ■■■■ s that if you had the cash and knew the right people, you would take out a contract on.
I absolutely detest and despise that type of ■■■■ pond life. :smiling_imp:
Reckon I’d last half a day at a place like that. :unamused:

You’ve heard mixed reviews?

They seem to have good kit and go do things properly. I’ve seen some of the drivers at amazon before and they seemed happy. That’s all I can tell you. Oh and they don’t seem in a rush either. Seem to sit there at 50mph for most of the time, so can’t be a management style that’s pushing the drivers all the time.

My mate, (not that one the other one :smiley: ) used to tramp out of Marchwood and he used to say Maritime means anytime - I thought he split his rest up unusually - his day was drive three hours, hours break, drive three hours, hours break and then drive three hours.

But heaven forbid if you whacked anything with the truck - they don’t like it.

But heaven forbid if you whacked anything with the truck - they don’t like it.

They’re straight onto the cameras, and you’ll lose your whole no-damage bonus for the year, plus 30% of that quarter’s fuel bonus.


But heaven forbid if you whacked anything with the truck - they don’t like it.

They’re straight onto the cameras, and you’ll lose your whole no-damage bonus for the year, plus 30% of that quarter’s fuel bonus.

It’s far from ideal, the cameras and the losing of bonuses, but there are worse scenarios, and at least they are getting paid an incentive to be careful.
I know of a well known firm who actually try and charge their drivers for damages to the trucks they drive and the trailers they pull.