Looks nasty - A47 Guyham closed for a while

If you recall the way bus chassis were delivered, the only protection was a crash helmet, wellingtons and a raincoat. Not much has changed.

Wheel Nut:
If you recall the way bus chassis were delivered, the only protection was a crash helmet, wellingtons and a raincoat. Not much has changed.

  • hi-viz, and that sums it up.

Wheel Nut:
If you recall the way bus chassis were delivered, the only protection was a crash helmet, wellingtons and a raincoat. Not much has changed.

The point is more that we had trucks without rear and side under run bars.But which obviously won’t help when a heavier,silly low floor,set back front axle,rear engined bus runs into an artic.Car drivers’ lives obviously matter more than bus drivers and passengers.

Very sad. Quite a few have mentioned about the possibility of the lorry driver having only pulled out across one lane to wait for the far lane to become clear. In which case the trailer would still be in the yard entrance and the impact would have been with the cab.

Let’s say it took only 5 seconds for the lorry to get from a standing start to the position of impact. (I think it would be more - maybe someone can time it - where there is less traffic about!).
If the bus was doing 50mph … and that’s fast for a decker, at the time the lorry started to move the bus would have been 366.65 feet away. As you all know from the Highway Code the stopping distance from 50mph for a car is 175ft (53mts for some of you). Is it a lot more for a bus? Yes you have extra weight… which gives more grip, but also much larger and more powerful brakes.

If it took 8 seconds for the lorry to get to the point of impact, the bus would have been 586ft away when the lorry started to move.

Must have been horrible for the lorry driver watching the bus coming straight at him and be unable to do anything about it.

How many have gone to make a turn from a stand sill fully loaded, get part way in to the turn the lorry decides to drop a cog and you come to a complete stand still for a few seconds


Very sad. Quite a few have mentioned about the possibility of the lorry driver having only pulled out across one lane to wait for the far lane to become clear. In which case the trailer would still be in the yard entrance and the impact would have been with the cab.

Let’s say it took only 5 seconds for the lorry to get from a standing start to the position of impact. (I think it would be more - maybe someone can time it - where there is less traffic about!).
If the bus was doing 50mph … and that’s fast for a decker, at the time the lorry started to move the bus would have been 366.65 feet away. As you all know from the Highway Code the stopping distance from 50mph for a car is 175ft (53mts for some of you). Is it a lot more for a bus? Yes you have extra weight… which gives more grip, but also much larger and more powerful brakes.

If it took 8 seconds for the lorry to get to the point of impact, the bus would have been 586ft away when the lorry started to move.

Must have been horrible for the lorry driver watching the bus coming straight at him and be unable to do anything about it.

How many have gone to make a turn from a stand sill fully loaded, get part way in to the turn the lorry decides to drop a cog and you come to a complete stand still for a few seconds

Or on turning kinked your air lines

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dave docwra:
Terrible incident, Feel sorry for all the friends & family who knew these people.

I was thinking that it maybe possible, that the Bretts vehicle did not have a driver in it at the time & was a roll away incident.


Are you mixed up with Clancy Docwra■■?

School bus this time but thankfully no injury’s:

peterboroughtoday.co.uk/new … -1-8735358

Did anyone hear what conclusion the original incident investigation came to?


dave docwra:
Terrible incident, Feel sorry for all the friends & family who knew these people.

I was thinking that it maybe possible, that the Bretts vehicle did not have a driver in it at the time & was a roll away incident.


Are you mixed up with Clancy Docwra■■?

Not as far as I am aware, Strange thing tho my Great Great Grandmothers maiden name was Clancy…

School bus this time but thankfully no injury’s:

peterboroughtoday.co.uk/new … -1-8735358

On a foggy morning again.

I don’t know, you wait for years, then 2 come at once.