Hung out to dry, what are they on?

Due to the ignorant [zb] in the past i stay where i am and they have 2 choices either speed up or slow down…

Its safer than being hung out to dry in the middle lane looking like a bigger [zb] than normal…

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exactly…If the blind idiots can’t forward plan their merge and choose a suitable gap instead of zooming down the slip road then panicking then f**k em.
A lorry is hardly difficult to see in your mirrors and outrun but somehow they have severe difficulty with either.

I had a cracking game of chicken today in Leicester. Two lanes into one after a roundabout, in fairness I should have ideally been in the left hand lane straddling both lanes, but I was in the right hand lane.

Eased off so I could merge into lane 1, but some knob in a van decided to speed up to teach me a lesson :unamused: It was a good effort on his part in all honesty, a full on continuous horn blast whilst accelerating hard from my trailer wheels right up to the side of my diesel tank.

But that’s when his bottle went and his nearside wheels mounted the kerb in order to not get wiped out :laughing:

Beaver 1 ■■■■ crack 0

FTFY :grimacing: :sunglasses:

the nodding donkey:

I had a cracking game of chicken today in Leicester. Two lanes into one after a roundabout, in fairness I should have ideally been in the left hand lane straddling both lanes, but I was in the right hand lane.

Eased off so I could merge into lane 1, but some knob in a van decided to speed up to teach me a lesson :unamused: It was a good effort on his part in all honesty, a full on continuous horn blast whilst accelerating hard from my trailer wheels right up to the side of my diesel tank.

But that’s when his bottle went and his nearside wheels mounted the kerb in order to not get wiped out :laughing:

Beaver 1 ■■■■ crack 0

FTFY :grimacing: :sunglasses:

winner…thats the way to do it,though about 30 years ago i got 7 charges for putting the wheels of a 40 footer over the bonnet of a fanny in a fiat uno or panda or similar.
needless to say i never stopped to find out,but even though i had “forgotten” to put on the trailer plate,someone clocked the reg on the unit…
i got 6 charges dropped for pleading guilty to 1…seemed fair enough to me…


Seen rather a lot of car/van drivers having to anchor up sharply on slip roads beside other lorries recently, when they’ve finally (after about 500 yards of acceleration lane :unamused: ) realised there was a bloody great wagon beside them all along.
Darwinism, or what?

To be fair it’s just as likely to be the result of selfish drivers tailgating thereby allowing no space for merging traffic as opposed to the totally different scenario of those who fail to merge correctly.Bearing in mind that most cars can can easily out run a truck at an entry slip given a sufficient gap between vehicles in lane 1.

In addition to the situation of muppets who deliberately either slow down or accelerate to match the speed of merging traffic to block it.You can guarantee that some muppet,possibly crash for cash scammers,will try that stunt 5 out of 10 times. Sometimes also including truck v truck incidents.There’s also the other numerous variations including obviously blocking patiently waiting to overtake traffic in lane 1 and then braking for no reason in lane 2 when they’ve gone ahead and the waiting vehicle then makes their lane change behind.

While under modern day traffic conditions it’s arguably time to change the rules to give way to merging or lane changing traffic.

Carryfast your first sentence fully sums up the other side of the problem.
Too many inconsiderate drivers on the roads all moaning about everyone else.
Some should realise they are part of the problem.

the nodding donkey:

I had a cracking game of chicken today in Leicester. Two lanes into one after a roundabout, in fairness I should have ideally been in the left hand lane straddling both lanes, but I was in the right hand lane.

Eased off so I could merge into lane 1, but some knob in a van decided to speed up to teach me a lesson :unamused: It was a good effort on his part in all honesty, a full on continuous horn blast whilst accelerating hard from my trailer wheels right up to the side of my diesel tank.

But that’s when his bottle went and his nearside wheels mounted the kerb in order to not get wiped out :laughing:

Beaver 1 ■■■■ crack 0

FTFY :grimacing: :sunglasses:

Can you please highlight the part you have fixed as I have just wasted 4 minutes of my remaining life but still cant see it ■■ thankyou …


the nodding donkey:

I had a cracking game of chicken today in Leicester. Two lanes into one after a roundabout, in fairness I should have ideally been in the left hand lane straddling both lanes, but I was in the right hand lane.

Eased off so I could merge into lane 1, but some knob in a van decided to speed up to teach me a lesson :unamused: It was a good effort on his part in all honesty, a full on continuous horn blast whilst accelerating hard from my trailer wheels right up to the side of my diesel tank.

But that’s when his bottle went and his nearside wheels mounted the kerb in order to not get wiped out :laughing:

Beaver 1 ■■■■ crack 0

FTFY :grimacing: :sunglasses:

Can you please highlight the part you have fixed as I have just wasted 4 minutes of my remaining life but still cant see it ■■ thankyou …

You’re slacking that spot of number 1 nit picker could be up for grabs soon :smiley:

It’s a daily occurrence on the A1/A47 junction at Wansford