
I’m disappointed!

The title took me back, I was hoping for a hit of the brown acid :sunglasses:

If it wasn’t for the internal combustion engine, the whole planet would be covered in a layer of horse muck 50 foot thick.



How did those protestors get to the places that they are disrupting. Did they all walk or cycle?

Public transport unlike the millions of commuters stuffed in their cars who could’ve used the train or bus instead. There are alternatives to the diesel engined buses, we used to have them a century ago and they’re called electric trams. A couple of places have reintroduced them.

Electric cars and trams and lorries not much use until the electricity isn’t produced by burning oil

Here in UK, hardly any electricity is produced by burning oil - it’s effectively 0% with the few remaining oil burning power stations being retained as a reserve.

If it wasn’t for the internal combustion engine, the whole planet would be covered in a layer of horse muck 50 foot thick.

Great for the Rhubarb and roses.

its china and india the big polluters , on holiday in north china in 2010 everyone wore facemasks ,sky was yellowey brown and the trees had all died in the cities, were being replaced when i was there by gangs of workers ,not a bird seen anywhere either . in a newspaper in the small ads i saw a big advert “coal fired power stations wanted” some fella in india .

Exactly this, us cutting about in Euro 6 motors, recycling milk bottles and using energy saving light bulbs is pish in the pool when the Chinese outnumber us by about 20 to 1.

Yet we need to listen to drivvel constantly about how having a 10 year old diesel car and not washing out tins of beans before putting them into one of the 36 different bins we have for recycling is killing the planet.

its china and india the big polluters , on holiday in north china in 2010 everyone wore facemasks ,sky was yellowey brown and the trees had all died in the cities, were being replaced when i was there by gangs of workers ,not a bird seen anywhere either . in a newspaper in the small ads i saw a big advert “coal fired power stations wanted” some fella in india .

Really? I was there in 2013 and it was nothing like you describe!
I was in Macau. Where the hell were you?


its china and india the big polluters , on holiday in north china in 2010 everyone wore facemasks ,sky was yellowey brown and the trees had all died in the cities, were being replaced when i was there by gangs of workers ,not a bird seen anywhere either . in a newspaper in the small ads i saw a big advert “coal fired power stations wanted” some fella in india .

Exactly this, us cutting about in Euro 6 motors, recycling milk bottles and using energy saving light bulbs is pish in the pool when the Chinese outnumber us by about 20 to 1.

Yet we need to listen to drivvel constantly about how having a 10 year old diesel car and not washing out tins of beans before putting them into one of the 36 different bins we have for recycling is killing the planet.

This, absolutely. Global warming is the earths natural cycle, nothing at all to do with us. It’s all just a way of getting more money out of us with ‘green taxes’ and all the other bullshine. If that turns out not to be the case and it is us causing it then as said everything we do is pointless and undone by the likes of India and China.

We send our old ships to India to be dismantled because they cant be taken apart in this country due to H.and S. also we cant dispose of the contaminated heavy metals etc. There only is one planet.

Interesting, do you have kids, grandkids even? I don’t but if I did I’d be listening intently to what’s being said.
Not just climate change but mass extinction of species that could spell huge problems. Loss of pollenating insects and you’ve a famine, loss of plants that could yield cures for cancer or Alzheimer’s.
This world will be a very different place when today’s kids are retirement age.

I’d be more worried about the islamification of Europe for my grandkids rather than the planet warming up by 1 degrees in past 200 years

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Jonathan Pie sums it up beautifully with his short youtube video The extinction rebellion.

There is no global warming,its been happening for thousands of years,look at the ice age,was that us.its all about money,then you got the weird ones causing more emissions by holding all the traffic up,couldn’t make it up could you.all the world is doing is cleaning the [zb],guess what we are the [zb]

I’m no expert but to be honest I’d be amazed if the way the world has changed in the last 200 years hasn’t led to global warming.

200 years ago- fewer than three lifetimes in the past- there wasn’t even a railway network, the global population was around one billion and this had been increasing by around 0.04% annually since 10,000 BC. Most people had never been more than 15 miles away from their birthplace.

Now the global population is around 7.7 billion and we burn fuel every single day which took tens of thousands of years to form. It’s estimated that there are at least a billion cars in the world.

Surely this can’t be sustainable?

Is it not ironic that more people die from inhaling the fumes from open fires whilst cooking than do from carbon emissions. Actually increasing the supply of gas and electricity worldwide would save many more lives than fining a London plumber for taking his jalopy into the City.

When we drive trucks are we, the drivers responsible for their emissions? Is a pilot of a 747 responsible for it’s pollution or is it the passengers?
We can’t blame India and China for production of stuff we buy, when we only look at the low price. It’s us who consume this stuff; there aren’t 3 fridges in every Chinese apartment. It’s us who want a low price and don’t properly oversee production.

We are looking at importing over 20% of our electricity by 2025. What control will we have over it’s production?

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Harry and Franglais have it spot on.

Harry Monk:

There is no global warming,its been happening for thousands of years,look at the ice age,was that us.its all about money,then you got the weird ones causing more emissions by holding all the traffic up,couldn’t make it up could you.all the world is doing is cleaning the [zb],guess what we are the [zb]

I’m no expert but to be honest I’d be amazed if the way the world has changed in the last 200 years hasn’t led to global warming.

200 years ago- fewer than three lifetimes in the past- there wasn’t even a railway network, the global population was around one billion and this had been increasing by around 0.04% annually since 10,000 BC. Most people had never been more than 15 miles away from their birthplace.

Now the global population is around 7.7 billion and we burn fuel every single day which took tens of thousands of years to form. It’s estimated that there are at least a billion cars in the world.

Surely this can’t be sustainable?

the problem is too many people, of course it’s not sustainable.

Since this thread started 60 hours ago the world population has increased by 580,000
something has to give at some point.

3 more people every second

Is it not ironic that more people die from inhaling the fumes from open fires whilst cooking than do from carbon emissions. Actually increasing the supply of gas and electricity worldwide would save many more lives than fining a London plumber for taking his jalopy into the City.

do we really need more people living longer ?

Lets not confuse the various pollution issues.
The very real and undeniable environmental disaster of global warming that is bolluxing the entire planet is primarily being caused by too much CO2 emissions.
The whole Euro 6, london LEZ etc, is all about reducing NOx and particulates that is directly affecting the health of people in built up areas.
in fact the likes of Euro 6 is increasing CO2 emissions so is in effect adding to global warming.

And NO, global warming is not a conspiracy theory, 99% of the worlds scientists are not making this up, it is real and it is happening and it will be an unprecedented disaster, think we have seen migrant problems now? tip of the iceberg stuff

"Actress Emma Thompson joined the protests in London after taking a 5,400-mile flight from Los Angeles in the US

She said: "I absolutely wanted to be arrested on my 60th birthday but I didn’t quite manage that.

“I’m so proud and thrilled to be part of Extinction Rebellion.”

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Bluey Circles:
Since this thread started 60 hours ago the world population has increased by 580,000
something has to give at some point.

3 more people every second

I can’t quote figures…

But I’m confident that in the same amount of time one or two people died too.


Bluey Circles:
Since this thread started 60 hours ago the world population has increased by 580,000
something has to give at some point.

3 more people every second

I can’t quote figures…

But I’m confident that in the same amount of time one or two people died too.

that figure included deaths
every hour 6,700 die, 16,400 born, so an increase of 9,700 per hour


Bluey Circles:
Since this thread started 60 hours ago the world population has increased by 580,000
something has to give at some point.

3 more people every second

I can’t quote figures…

But I’m confident that in the same amount of time one or two people died too.

That is already included in the figures. Globally, roughly 15,000 babies are born every hour while around 6,000 people die in the same period.

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About 8 billon people alive today. About 110 billion people…ever.

Homo Sapien have been around 50,000 years and our population is expanding exponentially.

It is politically difficult to talk of population controls. It infringes on personal liberties, religion, and has echoes of the “white west” telling people of a different colour how to behave.
Our system has demanded a ready supply of young workers to support the older ones. Our society is a huge Ponzi scheme. Capitalism, as it exists today is a pyramid with an ever widening base. It is unsustainable.

Any solutions will need to be truly radical. An extra windmill or two, may postpone the problem, ever so slightly, but it ain’t a cure.

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