Handing in notice/ working notice

Fair enough
■■■■■ my notice period is 4 weeks though. :laughing:

Always best to leave on good terms as you never know what the future holds. If it’s a crap job or they are taking the ■■■■ might be best to just cut losses and walk
I had one job where they said go three days before notice was up and they paid me for the week but there had been an incident and I think they thought I would of bashed my supervisor if I’d stayed the week


I treat people the way they treat me, I’m an equal-opportunities type.

If they’ve been good to me, I do it by the book. If they haven’t, I just walk. Life’s too short to worry about the [zb] that the pointy-shoes obsess over. There are thousands of jobs out there.

AMen to that Brother , and I always think if the shoe was on the other foot and not many jobs about etc. they would treat us like s hit and slaves , I have walked from a few jobs in my time and its always those firms who constantly advertise for drivers , what I can never understand though do these firms never learn ■■ their attitudes and work practices have cost them Thousands over the years and they are supposed to be business people ■■? they do seem to think though there are loads of available drivers and mugs to replace them .

Golly, they must be the same firms I walked from! Same M.O. years later, drivers wanted blah, blah. As you say, there must be no shortage of bods replacing them. I read it cost £5K to recruit a new staff member (though it’s hard to see how) so if it’s true, wouldn’t you try to hold onto the good ones? Makes no sense at all.