Good Payload?



DD, Sammy Fry would be wanting to know why you haven’t got the last collection on :smiley: :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

if one of donnel and ellis can get it on,then theres room on a wee fry trailer for the same load,all you need is more rope.
it not as if they need to worry about dunragit anymore. :slight_smile:

So? You’re a Dunragit casualty? One of the scars on that bridge was yours?

genuinely not guilty though ive been behind a few who made my day more interesting avoiding the ensuing carnage.
it always helps when the sensors for high vehicles dont work for weeks on end though… :slight_smile:

genuinely not guilty though ive been behind a few who made my day more interesting avoiding the ensuing carnage.
it always helps when the sensors for high vehicles dont work for weeks on end though… :slight_smile:

It also helps when you know the height of your trailer, but hey, who bothers about height on the '75, it’s all about speed.