France back into "Lockdown" Updated****

Sorry chaps for not replying, H&W and OM, just got home from a trip to the UK.

Right I’ll try and be brief cos I’m trucked !! And excuse the spelling errors as I’ve just opened a bottle to go with my dinner :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

OM, the letter that your employer has given you is for all movements between where you live and the depot at all times.
There is no “Couvre Feu” (Curfew) anymore, as we are all under TOTAL lock down now, the curfew ended last Thursday at midnight

H&W the “justificatif de travaille”
This is for drivers living here and working for French companies only and is done by their employers, to prove that they work for said company,
it must be carried at all time, going to and from your home and place of work and whilst driving the vehicle, it saves having to do the “personal attestation”, but I still do mine.
H&W, read what you posted above the red bit :- 1. It applies to French companies only.
What you highlighted in RED applies only to French drivers.
You wont need the attestation professionnel as you don’t live here, BUT …
I would suggest that you download and print off the movement one for when you intend to go shopping or for a walk etc. whilst you’re parked up.
it can be downloaded to your mobile too, so that you can fill it out whenever.
Where it asks for your address , put yours in and tell the Gendarmes you’re a UK chauffeur routier and tell them where the truck is.
Make sure you carry your passport and maybe some sort of proof of your vehicle, cover all channels.

H&W, your last post:
Gendarmes trying it on trying to fine someone in the services IMHO !!
FFS who wanders around an MSA ■■?
Spanish police ■■ You couldn’t make it up :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Crossing to France, ? Nothing required “” at the moment “”

RE : Routiers, there are quite a few that are doing meals , on a take-out service only…
Truckfly might give you a clue to which ones, it helped in March/April/May
I don’t know where you normally go, but there were quite a few that did this service in the first confinement.

Did I say that I’d keep it short ■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Stay safe you two !!!

Une victoire pour les conducteurs : ils vont pouvoir manger chaud ET à table entre 18h et 10h !
C’est acté depuis la rencontre hier soir entre Jean-Baptiste Djebarri (ministre des Transports) et les syndicats du transport routier de marchandises : 250 centres et restos routiers pourront à nouveau servir des repas chauds aux professionnels, à table ! Ce qui implique bien sûr l’accès aux sanitaires et aux douches… Cette mesure devrait rentrer en application « dans les prochains jours ».

Ceci dit, ce n’est qu’un début, selon les syndicats qui vont continuer à se battre, car 250 établissements, c’est beaucoup trop peu pour accueillir tous les routiers qui découchent (environ 180 000) : ça représenterait plus de 700 de conducteurs par resto !

Charge est donnée aux préfets d’arrêter la liste des établissements habituellement fréquentés par les routiers et qui seront autorisés à accueillir les seuls professionnels du transport routier sur présentation de leur carte professionnelle et dans le respect des protocoles sanitaires. Jean-Baptiste Djebarri a précisé que l’ensemble des restaurants (même ceux qui ne seront pas sur cette liste) peuvent poursuivre leurs activités de vente à emporter, y compris de plats chauds.

Au-delà, le ministre rappelle qu’il est impératif que les conditions d’accès des professionnels de la route aux sanitaires et aux douches soient garanties de façon digne. La carte disponible sur le site Bison Futé indiquant en temps réel l’état des aires de service est réactivée.

Enfin, le ministre souligne toute l’attention qui doit être portée aux conditions d’accueil décentes des conducteurs dans les entreprises et chez les chargeurs. Selon les termes du décret du 29 octobre 2020, ils sont tenus de leur garantir notamment un accès aux points d’eau lorsqu’ils existent. Des signalements éventuels seront pris en compte. Une adresse mail permet aux conducteurs de signaler ces situations problématiques : - MF

Reproduction autorisée avec mention

Where did you find that OM ? Is that a typo for the times you’ve quoted ? ( 18.00 - 10.00 )
Well done to the transport unions here in France, fighting our cause once again !

Bet Franglais is busy on Google Translate as we write :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Only joking B

pierrot 14:
Bet Franglais is busy on Google Translate as we write :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Only joking B

I know I am :laughing:
More to check it does say what I think it says, rather than needing a complete translation.
I think it says, "A victory for the drivers : they can get a hot meat AT a table, entering between 18hr to 10hr :open_mouth: (■■? 10pm?)
It also mentions the sanitary facilities and showers.
But this is only at 250 places throughout France, obviously nowhere near the numbers required
You should show your driving licence when(if?) asked and should respect the procedures in place at the establishment.
With thanks to the Minister for Transport.
Obviously I haven’t translated the whole thing, just picked out some salient points. French isn’t my strong point.

Google translate isn’t that reliable anyway.

I hate quoting The Rules, but this is an English language site. [wagging finger smilie].
If OM would be so kind as to supply a complete translation, that would be great. Or even a more thorough run down of the important stuff than I’ve done.
Any of you others, properly articulate in French, who might be kind enough to do it, it would be much appreciated :smiley:
One good translation will be fine, we don’t need it 6 times :stuck_out_tongue:
I do not want some random giving us the Google translate version. Those of us who need to know can manage that much on our own, thanks very much.


pierrot 14:
Bet Franglais is busy on Google Translate as we write :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Only joking B

I know I am :laughing:
More to check it does say what I think it says, rather than needing a complete translation.
I think it says, "A victory for the drivers : they can get a hot meat AT a table, entering between 18hr to 10hr :open_mouth: (■■? 10pm?)
It also mentions the sanitary facilities and showers.
But this is only at 250 places throughout France, obviously nowhere near the numbers required
You should show your driving licence when(if?) asked and should respect the procedures in place at the establishment.
With thanks to the Minister for Transport.
Obviously I haven’t translated the whole thing, just picked out some salient points. French isn’t my strong point.

Google translate isn’t that reliable anyway.

I hate quoting The Rules, but this is an English language site. [wagging finger smilie].
If OM would be so kind as to supply a complete translation, that would be great. Or even a more thorough run down of the important stuff than I’ve done.
Any of you others, properly articulate in French, who might be kind enough to do it, it would be much appreciated :smiley:
One good translation will be fine, we don’t need it 6 times :stuck_out_tongue:
I do not want some random giving us the Google translate version. Those of us who need to know can manage that much on our own, thanks very much.

Bonsoir Simon, tu a bien traduit le meilleur possible . Et Bravo !!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

But seriously, bravo Simon, very well done, you got it practically spot on !

Published on the site this morning.
Thought it was easy French to understand,so apologies for not translating.
I am not sure why 10 h if that is what is meant. 22.00 would have been better .
Bon appetit

One more point to note is that the Bison Futé site is carrying a map of these places, and being updated.

The select 250 restos will be open from 18.00 until 10.00 the next morning .
Closing and reopening i suppose, and for those who need a cafe /calva to start the morning.

Driver’s have to show their Fimo / Fcos card . (Driver cpc card)

The select 250 restos will be open from 18.00 until 10.00 the next morning .
Closing and reopening i suppose, and for those who need a cafe /calva to start the morning.

Driver’s have to show their Fimo / Fcos card . (Driver cpc card)

And a fresh pack of Gitanes to glue to their lower lip.

The select 250 restos will be open from 18.00 until 10.00 the next morning .
Closing and reopening i suppose, and for those who need a cafe /calva to start the morning.

Driver’s have to show their Fimo / Fcos card . (Driver cpc card)

That’s good news for next trip as this one was all dining Chez Volvo so far.

Ran down to the Train on in very early hours Wednesday only to crawl for 5.5 hours to get to the lane. Second time in as many months, absolute torture. Anyway ran out of time and decided to try out Polley in Calais which had a decent food wagon there whether that is the normal thing or not I can’t say.

I didn’t see it until after I had eaten but it looked tasty and good value although the massive Girteka gang didn’t seem interested. :smiley:

All4 trucks parking far superior however imo for same parking cost.

One more point to note is that the Bison Futé site is carrying a map of these places, and being updated.

Thanks Franglais but would you mind putting up the link to the map as I can only find roadworks info and I had the same problem last time.

The proposed 250 haven’t been published yet - so nothing to see yet H&W

The union is complaining that the powers that be are proposing 80 % of the 250 will be on auto routes - not proper routiers - … 11195.html
This looks like it?
But first map showing blue parking areas is full, second map with open restos is …blank. As Owen says watch this space.

Published on the site this morning.
Thought it was easy French to understand,so apologies for not translating.
I am not sure why 10 h if that is what is meant. 22.00 would have been better .
Bon appetit

It was easy enough for me to get the gist of it, so it isn’t difficult to understand.
On the other hand there are many UK drivers who struggle with their mother tongue, let alone a foreign language :stuck_out_tongue:

I think 10h is after breakfast, presumably closing overnight but leaving closing and opening hours up to the establishment.

pierrot 14:
But seriously, bravo Simon, very well done, you got it practically spot on !

Thanks Pierrot, it’s good to know I didn’t make a total arse of it :smiley:

Discussed Friday 6/11/2020 between the unions and the government:-

D’après des indiscrétions, le gouvernement a pour l’instant proposé une liste composée à 80% de restauration d’autoroute ! C’est décidément une manie… Après avoir favorisé Amazon et la grande distribution au détriment du petit commerce, le gouvernement veut favoriser les autouroutes et leur pseudo restauration… Heureusement, les syndicats ont refusé et retravailent sur la liste des 250 restos routiers autorisés à servir les conducteurs professionnels à table. Espérons qu’enfin les demandes des conducteurs seront respectées : manger chaud au moins une fois par jour et avoir accès à des sanitaires…
En privilégiant les restaurants d’autoroute, le gouvernement montre bien sa méconnaissance du fonctionnement des conducteurs routiers : le soir, les parkings d’autoroute sont essentiellement occupés par des camions étrangers dont les chauffeurs ne vont jamais au resto ! Dans les restos qu’il veut réouvrir, il n’y aura donc quasiment personne…

After discussions the government has proposed to allowed 80% of MSA restaurants to open.
This is obviously on their agenda…After having favoured Amazon in their distribution, to the detriment of the smaller shops,
the government want to show favoritism to the Autoroutes and their restaurants…
Thankfully the unions have refused this and are fighting again for the selected 250 routier restaurants to open and serve meals inside.
Hoping that the requests of the professional drivers will be respected : eat a hot meal at least once a day, together with access to sanitory facilities’

Giving favour to the MSA restaurants, the government have shown their lack of knowledge surrounding our industry : in the evening, the parking areas in these MSA’s
are essentially full of foreign lorries, whereby the drivers rarely eat in the restaurants : Therefore in those MSA restaurants, there will be … nobody …

Just read that article OM posted.
The times quoted are as follows :-

Les conducteurs vont pouvoir manger chaud ET à table le soir à partir de 18h et le matin jusqu’à 10h dans 250 restos routiers

Drivers will be allowed to eat hot meals AND at the table as of 18.00 and in the morning up to 10.00

There you go all cleared up :smiley: :smiley:

et voila … … -routiers/

Not really much better than service area’s - looking at the area’s listed 14 , 35, 22 and 86 . No centre routiers . Poor job. Maybe there will be some more listed as the day goes on.

At least Guilberville is open, J40 of the A84. The boss wasn’t allowed to in the spring lock down, by order of the Manche prefecture.
Also glad that the Coup de Frein on the N13 will be open too, often use that on way back from MLC at Sottevast.

And as in the spring lock down, lots of transport companies are opening up their depots to facilitate drivers needing a shower or cup of coffee,
solidarity at its finest !!

Pas encore de liste officielle pour les 250 restaurants routiers ouverts pour les pros de la route
Bien des rumeurs ont circulé ce week-end sur les 250 restos routiers sélectionnés pour accueillir les conducteurs routiers à table et au chaud le soir à partir de 18h et le matin jusqu’à 10h, certaines préfectures ont publié la liste pour leur département, mais rien de global n’a été publié pour toute la France. Donc attention, même si une carte a été publiée, rien n’est officiel pour l’instant, car certaines préfectures n’ont pas pu répondre à temps au gouvernement. Selon une source sûre, la liste officielle sera publiée dans la journée. Il faut donc encore s’armer de patience… - MF

So more Restaurants to be announced - better get a move on with wednesday being a jour ferie - It won’t be worth opening this week.

I agree with you Pierrot that it’s nice to see the solidarity with transport firms opening their facilities to outside drivers, as featured on the map.

et voila … … -routiers/

Not really much better than service area’s - looking at the area’s listed 14 , 35, 22 and 86 . No centre routiers . Poor job. Maybe there will be some more listed as the day goes on.

Aye, very poor. I’ll be running down to Switzerland on Monday.
I’ll be crossing from Hull to Europoort Sunday night and parking up, probably on the St Louis/Basel border, Monday evening.
According to that map of Routiers, there isn’t anywhere on my route :frowning: I noticed the routier at the border was open for petite dejuner on Monday, as I drove past on my way in :unamused: It appeared to be closed when I got there Monday evening, at about 8pm CET, so I hadn’t expected it to be open at all.

The center routier in Bourges was open Thursday night . Table service from 19.00 till 23.00 and then 05.00 till 10.00.

So although the list hasn’t been published of the 250 restos the Truckfly app was up to date so i would suggest you check your favourite’s on that . The bosses and the unions were in agreement that it is all a poor job.