Flags, flags and more flags


Yeah, and what about the waving hand,

Yeah I got my waving hand from the street sellers outside the Harem hotel in Stanly Bull.But most of the nick nacks we used to get at the Belgian truckstops as soon as we got off the boat.

That’s exactly where I got my flags from, wasn’t it a Fina garage on the right hand side of the road just outside Zeebrugge ?. I think some people called it Stephens and I.I.R.C. there was a Brit European depot on the other side nearby. :slight_smile:
P.S. Don’t mention the cab Christmas Tree. :unamused:

Jeez , i used to have a screen full of flags etc when i 1st started driving…got a pg9 at Leatherhead for " windscreen vision impaired through flags and pennants "… :blush:

Funny , can"t stand nothing in the screen now… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Here a couple of Eddie Huntleys trucks from Southampton with flags :laughing: :laughing:

My old 1988 143 still has a Michelin man up on the sun visor today!!!

Regards Pat

That is absolutely fantastic Mr Duffy, how about getting them on a few more motors. :laughing: I would love to see a resurgents of all that stuff, I thought it brought a bit of lighthearted humour to what sometimes could seem to be a soul destoying task. :frowning:

i saw these 2 at truckfest 90
just as well the driver of the scania was,nt driven a magnum :open_mouth:
the volvo dose,nt look to bad at all

Some great pictures there, that Scania is a great example of screen furniture :smiley:
I never had a Michelin man but have to admit i thought they looked great one atop each mirror :sunglasses:
Keep the pics coming guys, all just reminds me of good times… the eighties…

I remember I bought a string of flags in Berlin sometime in the early 80’s,they were cloth,unlike the plastic ones you used to find everywhere.Still got 'em somewhere (I rarely throw anything away).

The diesel stop just outside Zeebrugge was called ‘Diesel Stop Demey’,which is now a baccy shop.They used to sell T-shirts with their name on the front with a picture of a 141 Scania.Course,I had to have one didn’t I :wink: Even if it was lime green!

No self respecting continental driver would be seen without the obligatory Les Routiers flag on the bumper either.

Along the same lines… Tunnel du mont blanc or Trafforo del frejius(spelling), any of those sunstrips still about?

And as many different Country plaques as you could muster, even if you hadn’t been there, bloke I knew had them spell out P E - I S down his air stack.

The Trafforo del Frejus sunstrip, I had one at the bottom of the screen in a Merc I used to run down there in, I think they looked the nuts, I’ve got a picture of it in all it’s glory but no scanner so you’ll just have to trust me on it :laughing:

here you go newmercman , one of these? (bottom of screen) This is an o/d I used to see a fair bit in Italy,both of us at Delonghi in Trevisio loading radiators.

I remember I bought a string of flags in Berlin sometime in the early 80’s,they were cloth,unlike the plastic ones you used to find everywhere.Still got 'em somewhere (I rarely throw anything away).

The diesel stop just outside Zeebrugge was called ‘Diesel Stop Demey’,which is now a baccy shop.They used to sell T-shirts with their name on the front with a picture of a 141 Scania.Course,I had to have one didn’t I :wink: Even if it was lime green!

No self respecting continental driver would be seen without the obligatory Les Routiers flag on the bumper either.

That French geezer. . . Les Routiers . . . must have made a mint , did he own some restuarants or what?, every other one seemed to have his name on it!!
:laughing: :laughing:


I remember I bought a string of flags in Berlin sometime in the early 80’s,they were cloth,unlike the plastic ones you used to find everywhere.Still got 'em somewhere (I rarely throw anything away).

The diesel stop just outside Zeebrugge was called ‘Diesel Stop Demey’,which is now a baccy shop.They used to sell T-shirts with their name on the front with a picture of a 141 Scania.Course,I had to have one didn’t I :wink: Even if it was lime green!

No self respecting continental driver would be seen without the obligatory Les Routiers flag on the bumper either.

That French geezer. . . Les Routiers . . . must have made a mint , did he own some restuarants or what?, every other one seemed to have his name on it!!
:laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Class :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks Brookie, just a shame about that ERF on the back of that Frejus sticker :laughing:

Here,s my contribution.
A few old trucks i used to drive

In those days, unless you had ye flags and the infamous Les Routiers stickers on the bumpers and the TIR sign on the front, ye truck was plain!!!

30 yrs on, no stickers, no flags, nowt…just lights,alloys and fancy paint jobs…yep they do look plain… no character!

Trucks have lost their Identity…

Have ye noticed when ye could spot a FrenchTruck with its Yellow Headlights, a Spanish Tuck with its illuminous Triangle on the roof, a German truck carryin a fat Hitler in braces on the back of the trailer, an Italian Truck with its bumper with 2 white stripes … now they all look the same, ye cant tell the difference.

Some decoration on this French truck I saw in Greece 1990ish :unamused: :unamused:
Must have endorsed the Volvo slogan “See and be seen” :laughing:. 16 spotlights :open_mouth: