Failed my class 1 [emoji53]



You obviously have no idea about traveling on two wheels yet you are supposedly a qualified lorry driver. Scary scary I would say.

You’ll need to explain that one.
Hes a qualified lorry driver yet its scary he has no idea about travelling on two wheels? Not seeing how the two are related to be honest

Doh, any decent LGV driver or even a car driver would surely know the problems two wheel riders have? ie negotiating potholes etc. It’s even mentioned in the Highway Code believe it or not.

Knowing the issues is not the same as having no idea what its like travelling on two wheels.
I could say the same for cyclists having no idea about travelling in a lorry. You only need to look at the number who pull into the nearside at lights, oblivious to the fact the driver might not see them

Passed my Car, Class one, and Canadian CDL first time.

It would be strange if you wouldn’t ride motorbike in the middle of the road as there is no reason to do this, it’s like driving car on the side of the road…

You obviously have no idea about traveling on two wheels yet you are supposedly a qualified lorry driver. Scary scary I would say.

I’m sorry to scare you.I can’t say that I know everything, far from that, but I ride my bike for 7 years without any problem, 5 of them almost every day in all weather, anyway, on this occasion I wasn’t talking about cornering or anything like this but generally about your positioning on the road when you ride a motorbike. To ride a motorbike on the side of the road may create dangerous situations, as people will be tempted to overtake you, even if you are not slow and even if it’s not safe for you and for them. By the way, yes, I’m qualified lorry driver, not experienced though.

B, C, D, D+E first time.

C+E second time.




You obviously have no idea about traveling on two wheels yet you are supposedly a qualified lorry driver. Scary scary I would say.

You’ll need to explain that one.
Hes a qualified lorry driver yet its scary he has no idea about travelling on two wheels? Not seeing how the two are related to be honest

Doh, any decent LGV driver or even a car driver would surely know the problems two wheel riders have? ie negotiating potholes etc. It’s even mentioned in the Highway Code believe it or not.

Jakethesnake… are you a lorry driver■■?

Yes for many years. Why do you ask?




You obviously have no idea about traveling on two wheels yet you are supposedly a qualified lorry driver. Scary scary I would say.

You’ll need to explain that one.
Hes a qualified lorry driver yet its scary he has no idea about travelling on two wheels? Not seeing how the two are related to be honest

Doh, any decent LGV driver or even a car driver would surely know the problems two wheel riders have? ie negotiating potholes etc. It’s even mentioned in the Highway Code believe it or not.

Knowing the issues is not the same as having no idea what its like travelling on two wheels.
I could say the same for cyclists having no idea about travelling in a lorry. You only need to look at the number who pull into the nearside at lights, oblivious to the fact the driver might not see them

Hmm, I cannot agree with you there. Every road user should be aware of others problems and adapt their driving accordingly. Far too many just like to blame the other party.
Very poor showing all round in my opinion.

B, C First time
C+E Second time (Went over a curb with a trailer wheel on an island at a junction)


It would be strange if you wouldn’t ride motorbike in the middle of the road as there is no reason to do this, it’s like driving car on the side of the road…

You obviously have no idea about traveling on two wheels yet you are supposedly a qualified lorry driver. Scary scary I would say.

I’m sorry to scare you.I can’t say that I know everything, far from that, but I ride my bike for 7 years without any problem, 5 of them almost every day in all weather, anyway, on this occasion I wasn’t talking about cornering or anything like this but generally about your positioning on the road when you ride a motorbike. To ride a motorbike on the side of the road may create dangerous situations, as people will be tempted to overtake you, even if you are not slow and even if it’s not safe for you and for them. By the way, yes, I’m qualified lorry driver, not experienced though.

Yes I can tell you are not experienced by what you say but you are not quite correct with your thought process of motorcycle road positioning. Good thing is you have time to learn and you seem willing.
Plenty experienced drivers don’t have a clue because they have never bothered to learn.