euro licence

i have a full carte de sejour so have entry date on that.
looks like i am going to lose the brit licence then, as i have to go down to le-puy before the 13th jan toget it all sorted.
dont think it is worth the hastle of trying to hang on to uk licence so likes like i will have to bite the bullit and stump up the 1800€ for fimo :cry:
happy new year to one and all

Caveman,if you get your form in quick you should be ok,just get it in before your year is up otherwise you will have to in french law take all the classes including your car.Although you say you will take the fimo,you need a class 1or2 first and after that you can take the fimo and then a fcos.Sorry but I would send you a copy of the licence swop form but mine is filled in,it is really straight forward to fill in. :slight_smile:

no worries froggy should be easy enough, after having changed a licence iv for a bar aand all the other odds and sods we have delt with it should be a doddle :laughing:
the only thing now is hope i can get to the prefectures as where we are 950m up the side of a mountain we have had about 24+ inches of snow today :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
will let you know haow i get on with it