Cyclist jumps lights and gets wacked


Bluey Circles:
So if it had been a 7 year old who had mistakenly ran out, would you ask her mother for some compensation for a cracked headlight on your juganaut, and if you wouldn’t, where do you draw the line ?

You’ve played the “what if it had been a small child?” card a tad early have you not?

Never too early for that one Snowman, I shudder to think what would happen if the car had been a juggernaut carrying unstable dynamite and the cyclist had been a nun driving a mini bus full of orphans on their way to hospital for their kidney transplants!

Actually I’m not in the slightest bit concerned about the cyclist (live by the sword, die by the sword etc). No, what really gets me is the temerity of Wales online proclaiming itself to be “website of the year”, where do these people get off?

At the risk of sounding crass, serves him right. I wonder how many times before he’s ignored traffic lights, flying through. Once too often it seems.

At the speed he was coming through, it’s not as if he’d saw that he was about to run the red and was attempting to stop either!!

Deserved everything, hope the car driver sees sense and nails him by his "£$%^&*(!! :imp: :imp: :imp:

If this is his normal tactic of riding around like a loon with no regard for laws or care for anyone else, then I do sympathise with many of the comments above, I just think that most here are jumping to conclusions based on no more evidence that he is riding a bike so must be an idiot. There are a lot of good considerate people ride bikes and it would be pretty unfair to judge them so harshly if it was a one off error of judgement.

It does fascinate me this mutual dislike between cyclists and truckers - I’ve done quite a bit of both and can’t say I have ever had any more problems with either than I have with any other road user.

its pretty clear who is at fault here …

traffic lights .

looks like pedestrian/cyclists crossing light on left, crossing over no entry street is green .

poor old cyclist has simply misinterpreted them , and gone wrong way .

this has been seen with pedestrians at over complicated junctions myself .

but that wont stop the haters furiously ■■■■■■■■■■■■ over their cycle helmets/insurance/licence/numberplate/lycra fantasies .

even the most stooopud of nano brained simpletons who post on here pretending to be professional drivers will be unable to deduce the correct conclusion to this unfortunate incident is …

20mph speed limits in urban areas , and better junction designs .

its pretty clear who is at fault here …

traffic lights .

looks like pedestrian/cyclists crossing light on left, crossing over no entry street is green .

poor old cyclist has simply misinterpreted them , and gone wrong way .

this has been seen with pedestrians at over complicated junctions myself .

but that wont stop the haters furiously ■■■■■■■■■■■■ over their cycle helmets/insurance/licence/numberplate/lycra fantasies .

even the most stooopud of nano brained simpletons who post on here pretending to be professional drivers will be unable to deduce the correct conclusion to this unfortunate incident is …

20mph speed limits in urban areas , and better junction designs .

■■■■ poor, thinly veiled and almost transparent attempt at trying to be a wind up merchant
1/10 - You barely even try to hide it anymore

20mph speed limits in urban areas , and better junction designs .

No i disagree with the 20mph speed limits , that are a total waste of local authority money, they have implemented that nonsense around where i live, next to no one obeys it, and it has been said that the way they have done it means it isnt enforceable
Cycle paths pointless on some roads because the loones on 2 wheels wont use them and the road junctions, most are ok no need to change them for those who don’t help fund the roads

tommy t:

20mph speed limits in urban areas , and better junction designs .

No i disagree with the 20mph speed limits , that are a total waste of local authority money, they have implemented that nonsense around where i live, next to no one obeys it, and it has been said that the way they have done it means it isnt enforceable
Cycle paths pointless on some roads because the loones on 2 wheels wont use them and the road junctions, most are ok no need to change them for those who don’t help fund the roads

Your in for a shock tommy t. Within the next few years all urban areas will be 20mph and they are enforcable NOW if they have the mandatory signs which most do.

Why do you think they are a waste of money?

its pretty clear who is at fault here …

traffic lights .

looks like pedestrian/cyclists crossing light on left, crossing over no entry street is green .

poor old cyclist has simply misinterpreted them , and gone wrong way .

this has been seen with pedestrians at over complicated junctions myself .

but that wont stop the haters furiously ■■■■■■■■■■■■ over their cycle helmets/insurance/licence/numberplate/lycra fantasies .

even the most stooopud of nano brained simpletons who post on here pretending to be professional drivers will be unable to deduce the correct conclusion to this unfortunate incident is …

20mph speed limits in urban areas , and better junction designs .

It’s sad that you’re thick enough to think others will swallow that tripe!
Must do better…

Hmm this is indeed a very serious problem, maybe we should stick a load more truck drivers on pushbikes to highlight the poor little lycra luvvies vulnerabilities. :unamused:

Was it a Matt Stockdale dash cam

Is that a phone flying through the air and landing next to the knob?

Wonder if he gets offered a course instead of points?

its pretty clear who is at fault here …

traffic lights .

looks like pedestrian/cyclists crossing light on left, crossing over no entry street is green .

poor old cyclist has simply misinterpreted them , and gone wrong way .

this has been seen with pedestrians at over complicated junctions myself .

but that wont stop the haters furiously ■■■■■■■■■■■■ over their cycle helmets/insurance/licence/numberplate/lycra fantasies .

even the most stooopud of nano brained simpletons who post on here pretending to be professional drivers will be unable to deduce the correct conclusion to this unfortunate incident is …

20mph speed limits in urban areas , and better junction designs .

This is the A470 North Road into Cardiff, I drive it at least 6 times a week every week. There is no way he misinterpreted the lights, he clearly wasn’t paying attention.
The amount of trucks and busses that use this road, he was lucky it was a small car he hit.
I hope the police prosecute him for due care and attention as a motorist would be!

its pretty clear who is at fault here …

traffic lights .

looks like pedestrian/cyclists crossing light on left, crossing over no entry street is green .

poor old cyclist has simply misinterpreted them , and gone wrong way .

this has been seen with pedestrians at over complicated junctions myself .

but that wont stop the haters furiously ■■■■■■■■■■■■ over their cycle helmets/insurance/licence/numberplate/lycra fantasies .

even the most stooopud of nano brained simpletons who post on here pretending to be professional drivers will be unable to deduce the correct conclusion to this unfortunate incident is …

20mph speed limits in urban areas , and better junction designs .

So,let’s reduce all speed limits to 20mph to protect idiot cyclists from their own stupidity…great idea in fact better safe than sorry why not give all cyclists a police ■■■■■■ whilst on the road!

So,let’s reduce all speed limits to 20mph to protect idiot cyclists from their own stupidity…great idea in fact better safe than sorry why not give all cyclists a police ■■■■■■ whilst on the road!

I’m all for police ■■■■■■, maybe then they’ll see stupidity and either prosecute or put them in a padded room for safety! [emoji1]

Show’s why dashcams are vital!
Just think if the car behind did not have one, cyclist would have said his light was green.

This is the A470 North Road into Cardiff, I drive it at least 6 times a week every week. There is no way he misinterpreted the lights, he clearly wasn’t paying attention.

I recognise the road but cant quite place it . think its junction with colum road ■■

If so hes a stooodent !

Anyways …

He has misinterpreted the sign facing away from camera , slightly to left of no entry sign .

The one to go in direction he went is mounted on traffic light , not facing him .

Is easy mistake to make .

Is councils fault . not his or car drivers .

I hope he gets plenty of damages


This is the A470 North Road into Cardiff, I drive it at least 6 times a week every week. There is no way he misinterpreted the lights, he clearly wasn’t paying attention.

I recognise the road but cant quite place it . think its junction with colum road ■■

If so hes a stooodent !

Anyways …

He has misinterpreted the sign facing away from camera , slightly to left of no entry sign .

The one to go in direction he went is mounted on traffic light , not facing him .

Is easy mistake to make .

Is councils fault . not his or car drivers .

I hope he gets plenty of damages

If he does he could buy his own set of traffic lights and practice in his garden at stopping when they are on red…

is here ? … 312!8i6656

that is looking at offending lights , and he was coming straight at camera . the cycle lights are set higher than pedestrian ones .

clearly he was not paying sufficient attention , but the lad was proper hammering and making progress . the layout was designed by person not paying due care to his work as it is dangerous for kids , elderly , blind people and the easily confused too .

If he does he could buy his own set of traffic lights and practice in his garden at stopping when they are on red…

the crossing lights facing him are green .

as ive just explained .

but i appreciate its tricky to understand for slower kiddies