Convoy on the m1 last night

What on earth is with all of this cutting and pasting from Google and arguing that you are now a leading authority on Nuclear weapons and nuclear energy. I have never read such utter rubbish in all of my life. When I post something. I actually am an authority on it or at the very least have some knowledge of the subject that I am debating. How utterly ridiculous has this post now become from you.

What on earth is with all of this cutting and pasting from Google and arguing that you are now a leading authority on Nuclear weapons and nuclear energy. I have never read such utter rubbish in all of my life. When I post something. I actually am an authority on it or at the very least have some knowledge of the subject that I am debating. How utterly ridiculous has this post now become from you.

I’m waiting for the post that started life as something menial such as traffic management through roadworks and ends up with an explanation into wormhole technology :smiley:

Grumpy Dad:
I’m waiting for the post that started life as something menial such as traffic management through roadworks and ends up with an explanation into wormhole technology :smiley:

Ha ha me too. Looking forward to Captain Capeman explanation of the gravitational pull on the earth from the other planets and how this is not true and the post started out with roadworks on the A63. :smiley:


Grumpy Dad:
I’m waiting for the post that started life as something menial such as traffic management through roadworks and ends up with an explanation into wormhole technology :smiley:

Ha ha me too. Looking forward to Captain Capeman explanation of the gravitational pull on the earth from the other planets and how this is not true and the post started out with roadworks on the A63. :smiley:

The moons gravitational pull affects both tides and peak traffic :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Grumpy Dad:


Grumpy Dad:
I’m waiting for the post that started life as something menial such as traffic management through roadworks and ends up with an explanation into wormhole technology :smiley:

Ha ha me too. Looking forward to Captain Capeman explanation of the gravitational pull on the earth from the other planets and how this is not true and the post started out with roadworks on the A63. :smiley:

The moons gravitational pull affects both tides and peak traffic :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Oh not sure that is right let me pop onto Google as I am sure I can find an argument that will contradict that one. I know it affects the dustbin collection day at certain times of the year :smiley: :smiley:

Although I feel like I’ve just stepped on the night bus when Bking appears I do love his posts.

Wouldn’t it be great if Trump said “Right that’s it nuke the buggers”
Then his chief general said:
“Eh Mr President the truth is we all made this nuclear stuff up, best we can do is a few conventional weapons and they work by magic”.

Although I feel like I’ve just stepped on the night bus when Bking appears I do love his posts.

Wouldn’t it be great if Trump said “Right that’s it nuke the buggers”
Then his chief general said:
“Eh Mr President the truth is we all made this nuclear stuff up, best we can do is a few conventional weapons and they work by magic”.

It’s all just cut & paste Mr President, we could put boots on the ground and magically appear through a wormhole. Right I gotta go, I have a garden party to attend at Captain Caveman 76 neighbors, they like to start early. Who am I to suggest it is a bit early.

I am giving BKing a lift there too, he is a real hoot and makes any garden party a special event.

Although I feel like I’ve just stepped on the night bus when Bking appears I do love his posts.

Wouldn’t it be great if Trump said “Right that’s it nuke the buggers”
Then his chief general said:
“Eh Mr President the truth is we all made this nuclear stuff up, best we can do is a few conventional weapons and they work by magic”.

Or you could have

" Eh Mr President ,I have just been on Trucknet the authority on everything and bking has just let us know there isn’t such a thing as nuclear weapon ,its all a con …On the plus side he has volunteered to sort out kim for us "

I wonder what the several thousand employees at AWE Aldermaston and AWE Burghfield do all day, considering their main item of employment doesn’t exist according to our resident nut.

Maybe they troll the internet with ■■■■■■■■■.


And all the nuclear power plant around the world aint powered by reaction based physics.
They are millions of hampsters in wheels coupled together to make the alternators turn.

Free the Hampsters!!!

Just how many hamsters would it take to power Birmingham say?

Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk

Just how many hamsters would it take to power Birmingham say?

Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk

That depends, are they fast hamsters or slow hamsters?

Nah, for Brum they use Guinea pigs on Redbull.

More stamina you see.

I joined this forum as the majority of discussions are about trucks/work etc, occasionally they go off at a different tangent but mainly they stay on point and are enjoyable to read, this one takes the biscuit though.
On the forum we’ve gone from having the lovable troll Dozy, his tails of truck washing/Friday planning/Mrs eating steak and him an orange which we all enjoyed too the post hijacked by Carrfyfast/Rjan which bores us all to death. Now we’ve also got the world leading expert in refrigeration and a couple of critically acclaimed rocket scientists!!!

You lads are in the wrong job. Surely your superior intelligence is needed in the government not on a truckers forum!!!

And still no “nuclear war”
Would have thought the gutless yanks or the mad korean [zb] would have pressed the button by now?
Looks like another non event.
What a surprise!

I joined this forum as the majority of discussions are about trucks/work etc, occasionally they go off at a different tangent but mainly they stay on point and are enjoyable to read, this one takes the biscuit though.
On the forum we’ve gone from having the lovable troll Dozy, his tails of truck washing/Friday planning/Mrs eating steak and him an orange which we all enjoyed too the post hijacked by Carrfyfast/Rjan which bores us all to death. Now we’ve also got the world leading expert in refrigeration and a couple of critically acclaimed rocket scientists!!!

You lads are in the wrong job. Surely your superior intelligence is needed in the government not on a truckers forum!!!

Lighten up man, spouting bo$$ocks is what truckers do best. Helps with the tedium of miles and miles of tarmac.

they were northbound on the M74 earlier in the week, going up to Faslane.
mini buses full of armed personnel following… and probably a plain wrapper or two that we don’t see…

They come up the M74 and round the north of Glasgow every 6 to 8 weeks to the Coulport munitions store which is down the road from the Faslane Nuclear Sub base.
The warheads are sent down on a rotational basis to Aldermaston (AWE) for regular inspection and maintenance.

And still no “nuclear war”
Would have thought the gutless yanks or the mad korean [zb] would have pressed the button by now?
Looks like another non event.
What a surprise!

And you’re complaining ■■ :open_mouth:

Just because we haven’t experienced Armageddon, does not prove your latest (of many :laughing: ) mad assed theories mate. :unamused:


they were northbound on the M74 earlier in the week, going up to Faslane.
mini buses full of armed personnel following… and probably a plain wrapper or two that we don’t see…

They come up the M74 and round the north of Glasgow every 6 to 8 weeks to the Coulport munitions store which is down the road from the Faslane Nuclear Sub base.
The warheads are sent down on a rotational basis to Aldermaston (AWE) for regular inspection and maintenance.

You do realise you’ve broken the official secrets act by telling us what we already know about a secret muntions store.
